NetApp ONTAP シミュレータ 9.7で起動時にFailed to backup /var to mroot と出力されている。
boot.varfs.backup.issuse : EMERGENCY Backup of the /var file system failed (cp: /mroot/etc/tmpvarfs.tgz: No space left on device varfs_backup_restore: Failed to backup /var to mroot (copy old)
/usr/bin/plxcoeff_log: cannot create /mroot/etc/log/plxcoeff/plxcoeff.log.tmp: No space left on device stat: /mroot/etc/log/plxcoeff/plxcoeff.log.tmp: stat: No such file or directory [: -gt: unexprected operator
[root@esxi70:/vmfs/volumes/5ec1e973-8ca56b7a-bafa-90b11c536183/.locker/tmp] ./Network_Firmware_7CM1N_LN_21.60.16.BIN -c
Invalid option: --packagepath=/scratch/tmp/Network_Firmware_7CM1N_LN_21.60.16.BIN
Try -h or --help for help.
[root@esxi70:/vmfs/volumes/5ec1e973-8ca56b7a-bafa-90b11c536183/.locker/tmp] ./Network_Firmware_7CM1N_LN_21.60.16.BIN -h
Command-line options for the Update Package
Usage: <package name> [options...]
-h,--help : Display command-line usage help
-c : Determine if the update can be applied to the system (1)
-f : Force a downgrade to an older version. (1)(2)
-q : Execute the update package silently without user intervention
-n : Execute the update package without security verification
-r : Reboot if necessary after the update (2)
-v,--version : Display version information
--list : Display contents of package (3)
--installpath=<path> : Install the update package in the specified path only if options (2) and (8) are supported.
--extract <path> : Extract files to specified path (3)(4)
-qi, --queryinventory : Inventory if selective update is supported. (2) (5)
-su=<device list> or --selectiveupdate=<device list> : give the list of devices to update.(2) (6) (7)
--bmcpath=<value> : Chooses Inventory/Update path (value specified will be : ipmi - use KCS path or usbnic - use OS-BMC passthrough)
(1) Can NOT use -f with the -c option
(2) Only takes effect if used with -q
(3) Can be used only before extracting the package
(4) Can NOT use --extract with any other option
(5) Can use only with -q option. Can NOT be used with -f, -c, -h, -n, -r, -v, --list, --extract, -su
(6) Can NOT be used with -c, -h, -n, -v, --list, --extract, -qi
(7) Device list should not contain any space.
(8) Only Application DUP supports.
[root@esxi70:/vmfs/volumes/5ec1e973-8ca56b7a-bafa-90b11c536183/.locker/tmp/idrac] sh line 53: rpm: not found line 53: rpm: not found line 53: rpm: not found line 53: rpm: not found line 53: rpm: not found line 64: rpm: not found
ontap91::> cluster peer create -peer-addrs
Notice: Choose a passphrase of 8 or more characters. To ensure the authenticity
of the peering relationship, use a phrase or sequence of characters
that would be hard to guess.
Enter the passphrase:
Confirm the passphrase:
Notice: Now use the same passphrase in the "cluster peer create" command in the
other cluster.
ontap97::> cluster peer create -peer-addrs
Notice: Use a generated passphrase or choose a passphrase of 8 or more
characters. To ensure the authenticity of the peering relationship, use
a phrase or sequence of characters that would be hard to guess.
Enter the passphrase:
Confirm the passphrase:
Error: command failed: Remote cluster would not use encryption for this
ontap97::> cluster peer create -peer-addrs -encryption-protocol-proposed none
Notice: Use a generated passphrase or choose a passphrase of 8 or more
characters. To ensure the authenticity of the peering relationship, use
a phrase or sequence of characters that would be hard to guess.
Enter the passphrase:
Confirm the passphrase:
ontap91::> cluster peer show
Peer Cluster Name Cluster Serial Number Availability Authentication
------------------------- --------------------- -------------- --------------
ontap97 1-80-000008 Available ok
1 entries were displayed.
ontap97::> cluster peer show
Peer Cluster Name Cluster Serial Number Availability Authentication
------------------------- --------------------- -------------- --------------
ontap91 1-80-000008 Available ok
なお、設定完了後すぐはCluster Serial Numberが空欄になっているが、しばらく経つと表示されるはず。
netapp9101dr::> cluster peer modify -cluster netapp9101 -ipspace snapmirror2
Error: command failed: No operational intercluster LIFs of the IPv4 address
family and IPspace "snapmirror2" are available on this node.