NetApp ONTAPのevent動作確認手法


一般論的には「How to generate EMS Events manually for testing purposes」(日本語訳版)なのだが、サンプルとして書かれているコマンドを入力した場合の動作がいまいちである。

ontap9131::> set diag

Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

ontap9131::*> event generate -node ontap9131-01 -message-name monitor.volume.nearlyFull  -values Volume testshare@vsevrer:2d770626-xxxx-11ef-8a02-d039ea59xxxx is neary full is nearly full



May 23 15:29:01 rsyslogsevrer.adosakana.local [ontap9131-01: monitor.volume.nearlyFull:error]: Volume testshare@vsevrer:2d770626-xxxx-11ef-8a02-d039ea59xxxxisneary is nearly full (using or reserving full% of space and is% of inodes).



Events not sent to syslog server due to network routes」(日本語訳版)

ontap9131::> set diag

Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

ontap9131::*> event generate -message-name monitor.volume.nearlyFull -values TEST,TEST,TEST,TEST,TEST,TEST



May 23 15:18:32 rsyslogsevrer.adosakana.local [ontap9131-01: monitor.volume.nearlyFull:error]: TEST TESTTESTTEST is nearly full (using or reserving TEST% of space and TEST% of inodes).


何回かテストしてみたところ、未指定時は -01ノードの方から出力されており、-02ノードからノード指定しないとログが出ませんでした


May 23 16:30:55 rsyslog.adosakana.local  [ontap9131-01: wafl.vol.autoSize.done:notice]: Volume autosize: Automatic grow of volume 'testshare@vserver:2d770626-xxxx-11ef-8a02-d039ea59xxxx' by 421MB is complete.
May 23 16:30:55 rsyslog.adosakana.local [ontap9131-01: monitor.volume.full:ALERT]: Volume "testshare@vserver:2d770626-xxxx-11ef-8a02-d039ea59xxxx" is full (using or reserving 99% of space and 0% of inodes).


ontap9131::*> event generate -message-name monitor.volume.nearlyFull -values Volume ,volume名,@SVM名,UUID,xx,yy

May 23 16:40:24 [ontap9131-01: monitor.volume.nearlyFull:error]: Volume volume名@SVM名UUID is nearly full (using or reserving xx% of space and yy% of inodes).


ONTAP EMS referencemonitor.volume.nearlyFull に詳細が書いてあった。

object_type (STRING): Identifier for the type of object to which this event applies (aggregate or volume).
name (STRING): Name of this object.
app (STRING): Application UUID.
vserver_uuid (STRING): Universal Unique ID (UUID) of the object’s Vserver, if the object is a volume. Otherwise, this string is empty.
percent_full_blocks (STRING): Used capacity of the space of the object, as a percent.
percent_full_inodes (STRING): Used capacity of inodes of the object, as a percent.

ほかのメッセージでテストする場合は、このEMS referenceの内容を確認すればよい、ということも分かった


エラーイベントを送る場合(イベントフィルタ:default-trap-events で見れる)

event generate -message-name monitor.volume.nearlyFull -values Volume ,volume名,@SVM名,UUID,xx,yy

アラートイベントを送る場合(イベントフィルタ:important-events で見れる)

event generate -message-name monitor.volume.full -values Volume ,volume名,@SVM名,UUID,xx,yy


event log show -time >=15m


event log show -time "5/23/2024 17:00:00".."5/23/2024 17:20:00"

メモ ONTAP AV Connector 1.0.6と1.0.7はONTAP 9.1で使おうとするとクラッシュする

Windows Updateおこなってない環境にONTAP 9.1のCIFSファイルサーバがあって、そこからONTAP 9.13.1の新機種に移行したい、とかいうので環境作って検証した。

正攻法としてはONTAP 9.1を9.3→9.5→9.7→9.9.1にアップデートしてから(参考:アップデート手順ガイド)、Snapmirror互換性がOKな9.9.1から9.13.1へのsnapmirrorを設定してボリュームを移行するって感じにはなっている。




このONTAP 9.13.1環境の方でONTAP AV Connector経由でのアンチウイルス対策を行う設定をしたついでに、ONTAP 9.1P22環境の方も設定してみたところ、異常な動作が発生

ONTAP 9.1P22ファイルサーバから検査対象ファイルが送られてくると、受け取ったAV Connectorがクラッシュしてサービスが死ぬ、というもの

障害が発生しているアプリケーション名: ontapavc.exe、バージョン:、タイム スタンプ: 0x661cd147
障害が発生しているモジュール名: ntdll.dll、バージョン: 10.0.17763.5458、タイム スタンプ: 0x761f6403
例外コード: 0xc0000374
障害オフセット: 0x000e0773
障害が発生しているプロセス ID: 0x1120
障害が発生しているアプリケーションの開始時刻: 0x01daa0f22241d4b8
障害が発生しているアプリケーション パス: C:\Program Files (x86)\ONTAP AV Connector\ontapavc.exe
障害が発生しているモジュール パス: C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
レポート ID: 25143b91-e094-4f5e-938b-c2aa5cc35312
障害が発生しているパッケージに関連するアプリケーション ID: 
障害バケット 1543444931139731394、種類 1
応答: 使用不可
Cab ID: 0

P1: ontapavc.exe
P3: 661cd147
P4: StackHash_9e39
P5: 10.0.17763.5458
P6: 761f6403
P7: c0000374
P8: PCH_3C_FROM_ntdll+0x00071C4C



解決策を再確認中: 0
レポート ID: 25143b91-e094-4f5e-938b-c2aa5cc35312
レポートの状態: 268435456
ハッシュされたバケット: 519f2138c2a0e328e56b6afcc2f5ffc2
Cab GUID: 0

いろいろ試してみたところ、ONTAP 9.1だとAPIの使い方が違うために発生している模様で

ONTAP 9.3P22にアップデートしたところ、とりあえずAV Connectorがクラッシュすることもなく期待通りの動作をするようにはなった。

CVE-2022-38023対応後のsamba ADサーバに古いONTAPを参加させる

2023年7月のCVE-2022-38023関連対応後、古いONTAPシミュレーターは sambaで作ったActive Directory環境に参加できなくなった。


sambaのCVE-2022-38023対応に関して書かれている「RC4/HMAC-MD5 NetLogon Secure Channel is weak and should be avoided」に、これまでのdefaultから変更した点がかかれているので、これの逆をやればいいのか、と以下を設定した。

        allow nt4 crypto = yes
        reject md5 clients = no
        server reject md5 schannel = no
        server schannel = yes
        server schannel require seal = no


ドキュメントの「Cryptographic configuration」を見た感じだとこれで良さそう。



NetAppのCIFS稼働のSVMでは、vserver cifs securityの項目にて「-smb2-enabled-for-dc-connections true」と「-is-aes-encryption-enabled true」の設定を行っている


ONTAP 9.1 シミュレーター(パッチ無し)

このバージョンではオプションの -smb2-enabled-for-dc-connections と -is-aes-encryption-enabled が存在していないので、エラー内容が結構違う。

ontap91::> vserver cifs create -cifs-server svm91 -domain ADOSAKANA.LOCAL

In order to create an Active Directory machine account for the CIFS server, you
must supply the name and password of a Windows account with sufficient
privileges to add computers to the "CN=Computers" container within the

Enter the user name: administrator

Enter the password:

Warning: An account by this name already exists in Active Directory at
         If there is an existing DNS entry for the name SVM91, it must be
         removed. Data ONTAP cannot remove such an entry.
         Use an external tool to remove it after this command completes.
         Ok to reuse this account? {y|n}: y

Error: command failed: Failed to create CIFS server SVM91. Reason:
       create_with_lug: RPC: Unable to receive; errno = Connection reset by
       peer; netid=tcp fd=17 TO=600.0s TT=0.119s O=224b I=0b CN=113/3 VSID=-3


ONTAP 9.1P22 シミュレーター

ontap91::> vserver cifs create -cifs-server svm91 -domain ADOSAKANA.LOCAL

In order to create an Active Directory machine account for the CIFS server, you
must supply the name and password of a Windows account with sufficient
privileges to add computers to the "CN=Computers" container within the

Enter the user name: administrator

Enter the password:

Error: Machine account creation procedure failed
  [    56] Loaded the preliminary configuration.
  [    92] Successfully connected to ip, port 88 using
  [   107] Successfully connected to ip, port 389 using
  [   110] Unable to start TLS: Connect error
  [   110]   Additional info:
  [   110] Unable to connect to LDAP (Active Directory) service on
**[   110] FAILURE: Unable to make a connection (LDAP (Active
**         Directory):ADOSAKANA.LOCAL), result: 7652

Error: command failed: Failed to create the Active Directory machine account
       "SVM91". Reason: LDAP Error: Cannot establish a connection to the

ontap91::> vserver cifs create -cifs-server svm91 -domain ADOSAKANA.LOCAL

In order to create an Active Directory machine account for the CIFS server, you
must supply the name and password of a Windows account with sufficient
privileges to add computers to the "CN=Computers" container within the

Enter the user name: administrator

Enter the password:

Error: Machine account creation procedure failed
  [    61] Loaded the preliminary configuration.
  [    99] Successfully connected to ip, port 88 using
  [   168] Successfully connected to ip, port 389 using
  [   168] Entry for host-address: not found in the
           current source: FILES. Ignoring and trying next available
  [   172] Source: DNS unavailable. Entry for
           host-address: not found in any of the
           available sources
**[   181] FAILURE: Unable to SASL bind to LDAP server using GSSAPI:
**         Local error
  [   181] Additional info: SASL(-1): generic failure: GSSAPI Error:
           Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more
           information (Cannot determine realm for numeric host
  [   181] Unable to connect to LDAP (Active Directory) service on
           sambaad.ADOSAKANA.LOCAL (Error: Local error)
  [   181] Unable to make a connection (LDAP (Active
           Directory):ADOSAKANA.LOCAL), result: 7643

Error: command failed: Failed to create the Active Directory machine account
       "SVM91". Reason: LDAP Error: Local error occurred.

ontap91::> vserver cifs create -cifs-server svm91 -domain ADOSAKANA.LOCAL

In order to create an Active Directory machine account for the CIFS server, you
must supply the name and password of a Windows account with sufficient
privileges to add computers to the "CN=Computers" container within the

Enter the user name: administrator

Enter the password:

Warning: An account by this name already exists in Active Directory at
         If there is an existing DNS entry for the name SVM91, it must be
         removed. Data ONTAP cannot remove such an entry.
         Use an external tool to remove it after this command completes.
         Ok to reuse this account? {y|n}: y

Error: Machine account creation procedure failed
  [    13] Loaded the preliminary configuration.
  [    92] Created a machine account in the domain
  [    93] SID to name translations of Domain Users and Admins
           completed successfully
  [   100] Modified account 'cn=SVM91,CN=Computers,dc=VM2,dc=ADOSAKANA
  [   101] Successfully connected to ip, port 88 using
  [   113] Successfully connected to ip, port 464 using
  [   242] Kerberos password set for 'SVM91$@ADOSAKANA.LOCAL' succeeded
  [   242] Set initial account password
  [   277] Successfully connected to ip, port 445 using
  [   312] Successfully connected to ip, port 88 using
  [   346] Successfully authenticated with DC
  [   366] Unable to connect to NetLogon service on
           sambaad.ADOSAKANA.LOCAL (Error:
**[   366] FAILURE: Unable to make a connection
**         (NetLogon:ADOSAKANA.LOCAL), result: 3
  [   366] Unable to make a NetLogon connection to
           sambaad.ADOSAKANA.LOCAL using the new machine account

Error: command failed: Failed to create the Active Directory machine account
       "SVM91". Reason: general failure.







Manual checks that can be done using Upgrade ONTAP documentation



Manual checks that can be done using Upgrade ONTAP documentation

Manual validation checks need to be performed. Refer to the Upgrade Advisor Plan or the "What should I verify before I upgrade with or without Upgrade Advisor" section in the "Upgrade ONTAP" documentation for the remaining validation checks that need to be performed before update. Failing to do so can result in an update failure or an I/O disruption.
Refer to the Upgrade Advisor Plan or the "What should I verify before I upgrade with or without Upgrade Advisor" section in the "Upgrade ONTAP" documentation for the remaining validation checks that need to be performed before update.

ONTAP API to REST transition warning

ONTAP 9.12.1ぐらいからこの警告がでることがある。

ONTAP API(ONTAPI / ZAPI)が廃止されるためONTAP REST APIを使うように変更しろ、という内容なので、使わないのであれば気にしなくて良い。

ONTAP API to REST transition warning

NetApp ONTAP API has been used on this cluster for ONTAP data storage management within the last 30 days. NetApp ONTAP API is approaching end of availability.
Transition your automation tools from ONTAP API to ONTAP REST API. CPC-00410 - End of availability: ONTAPI :

なお、ONTAPIはONTAP 9.13.1から標準無効化となっている。ONTAP 9.14.1~9.17.1(予定)の間は有効に設定することもできる。

LIFs on home node status


home portに戻すことで警告は消えます。home portに戻すことができない場合はONTAP OSのアップデートできません。


One or more LIFs are not on the node, verify that all LIFs are on the home node before attempting NDU.

Cluster/management switch support


Ensure that the NX-OS (cluster network switches), IOS (management network switches), and reference configuration file (RCF) software ersions are compatible with the target Data ONTAP release.
Refer to and for more details.

Name Service Configuration DNS Check


無視してアップデートは可能ですが、名前解決ができないということはCIFS/Active Directory環境からのアクセスで問題が発生するかもしれないので注意が必要です。(再起動によりキャッシュが消えることによる問題)

Name Service Configuration DNS Check

None of the configured DNS servers are reacjanle for the following Vservers: 名前. There might be other Vservers for DNS servers are not reachable.

Delete the DNS server, or verify that the DNS status is "up". Delete the DNS configuration for the Vservers which do not have "dns" as a configured source in the ns-switch database.

NFS mounts

NFSサービスを提供している場合、NFS client側のマウント設定でsoft mountが使用されている場合、NetApp側ノード切り替え時にNFS client側の動作がイマイチな場合がある、という警告。

基本的にはNFS client側はhard mount設定で使ってほしい。


NFS mounts

This cluster is serving NFS clients. If NFS soft mounts are used, there is a possibility of frequent NFS timeouts and race conditions that can lead to data corruption during the upgrade

Use NFS hard mounts, if possible

CIFS status

CIFSサービスを提供している場合、NetApp側ノード切り替え時にCIFS clientのアクセス手法によってはイマイチな動作をする可能性がある、という警告。


CIFS status

CIFS is currently in use. Any unprotected sessions may be affected with possible loss of data.

Stop all unprotected CIFS workloads before performing the update. To list the unprotected CIFS workloads, run the command: vserver cifs session show -continuously-available No, Partial

警告内容は「cluster image show-update-progress」を実行すると確認できる

ontap9121::> cluster image show-update-progress

                                             Estimated         Elapsed
Update Phase         Status                   Duration        Duration
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks    completed                00:10:00        00:00:38


Pre-update Check     Status            Error-Action
-------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------
AMPQ Router and      OK                N/A
Broker Config
Aggregate online     OK                N/A
status and parity
Application          OK                N/A
Provisioning Cleanup
Autoboot Bootargs    OK                N/A
Backend              OK                N/A
Configuration Status
Boot Menu Status     OK                N/A
CIFS compatibility   OK                N/A
status check
Capacity licenses    OK                N/A
install status check
Check For SP/BMC     OK                N/A
Connectivity To
Check LDAP fastbind  OK                N/A
users using
unsecure connection.
Cloud keymanager     OK                N/A
connectivity check
Cluster health and   OK                N/A
eligibility status
Cluster/management   OK                N/A
switch check
Compatible New       OK                N/A
Image Check
Current system       OK                N/A
version check if it
is susceptible to
possible outage
during NDU
Data ONTAP Version   OK                N/A
and Previous
Upgrade Status
Data aggregates HA   OK                N/A
policy check
Disk status check    OK                N/A
for failed, broken
or non-compatibility
Duplicate Initiator  OK                N/A
Encryption key       OK                N/A
migration status
External             OK                N/A
key-manager with
legacy KMIP client
External keymanager  OK                N/A
key server status
Infinite Volume      OK                N/A
availibility check
Logically over       OK                N/A
allocated DP
volumes check
Manual checks that   Warning           Warning: Manual validation checks
can be done using                      need to be performed. Refer to the
Upgrade ONTAP                          Upgrade Advisor Plan or the "What
documentation                          should I verify before I upgrade with
                                       or without Upgrade Advisor" section
                                       in the "Upgrade ONTAP" documentation
                                       for the remaining validation checks
                                       that need to be performed before
                                       update. Failing to do so can result
                                       in an update failure or an I/O
                                       Action: Refer to the Upgrade Advisor
                                       Plan or the "What should I verify
                                       before I upgrade with or without
                                       Upgrade Advisor" section in the
                                       "Upgrade ONTAP" documentation for the
                                       remaining validation checks that need
                                       to be performed before update.
MetroCluster         OK                N/A
status check for
Minimum number of    OK                N/A
aggregate disks
NAE Aggregate and    OK                N/A
NVE Volume
Encryption Check
NDMP sessions check  OK                N/A
NFS mounts status    OK                N/A
NVMe over Fabrics    OK                N/A
license check
Name Service         OK                N/A
Configuration DNS
Name Service         OK                N/A
Configuration LDAP
Node to SP/BMC       OK                N/A
connectivity check
OKM/KMIP enabled     OK                N/A
systems - Missing
keys check
ONTAP API to REST    Warning           Warning: NetApp ONTAP API has been
transition warning                     used on this cluster for ONTAP data
                                       storage management within the last 30
                                       days. NetApp ONTAP API is approaching
                                       end of availability.
                                       Action: Transition your automation
                                       tools from ONTAP API to ONTAP REST
                                       API. For more details, refer to
                                       CPC-00410 - End of availability:
ONTAP Image          OK                N/A
Capability Status
OpenSSL 3.0.x        OK                N/A
upgrade validation
Openssh 7.2 upgrade  OK                N/A
validation check
Pre-Update           OK                N/A
RDB Replica Health   OK                N/A
Replicated database  OK                N/A
schema consistency
Running Jobs Status  OK                N/A
SAN and NVMe LIF     OK                N/A
Online Check
SAN compatibility    OK                N/A
for manual
SAN kernel agent     OK                N/A
status check
Secure Purge         OK                N/A
operation Check
Shelves and Sensors  OK                N/A
SnapLock Version     OK                N/A
SnapMirror           OK                N/A
relationship status
SnapMirror           OK                N/A
status check
Supported platform   OK                N/A
Target ONTAP         OK                N/A
release support for
FiberBridge 6500N
Upgrade Version      OK                N/A
Compatibility Status
Verify all bgp       OK                N/A
peer-groups are in
the up state
Verify that e0M is   OK                N/A
home to no LIFs
with high speed
Volume Conversion    OK                N/A
In Progress Check
Volume move          OK                N/A
progress status
Volume online        OK                N/A
status check
iSCSI target portal  OK                N/A
groups status check
Overall Status       Warning           Warning
61 entries were displayed.




2023/12/14時点でONTAP 9.13.1のシミュレータもあるのですが、デプロイ後再起動するとブートループに陥る、という謎現象が発生していたりするので、この手順はONTAP 9.12.1で作っています。ONTAP 9.12.1で導入して9.13.1P2や9.13.1P7にアップデートしても動きが怪しい状況です。

2024/03/21時点でONTAP 9.13.1P7シミュレータイメージがリリースされ、上記の問題はなくなりました。

1) 普通にovaファイルをデプロイ

2) 初回起動前にハードディスク2を拡大



3) 初回起動し、adminでログイン


4) systemshellでローカルコマンドが実行できるか確認


「set diag」コマンドでdiagモードに移行したあとで「system node systemshell -node localhost -command ls /」を実行してどうなるかを確認する。

::> set diag

Warning: These diagnostic commands are for use by NetApp personnel only.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

::*> system node systemshell -node localhost -command ls /
  (system node systemshell)

Error: command failed: Error: Account currently locked. Contact the storage
       administrator to unlock it.


ONTAPシミュレータ 9.12.1以降は上記の様な「Error」となると思われる。

5) diagアカウントのロックを解除


「security login show -user-or-group-name diag」を実行して現在の状態を確認(ONTAPバージョンによっては “security login show -username diag”)

::*> security login show -user-or-group-name diag

Vserver: Default
User/Group                 Authentication                 Acct   Authentication
Name           Application Method        Role Name        Locked Method
-------------- ----------- ------------- ---------------- ------ --------------
diag           console     password      admin            yes    none


「Acct Lock: yes」であるためロックされていることを確認できる。

「security login unlock -username diag」を実行する

::*> security login unlock -username diag

Error: command failed: The admin password is not set. Use the "security login
          password" command to set the password, then try the command again.


上記のエラーがでた場合は「security login password -username admin」コマンドを実行して、adminユーザのパスワードを設定した後で、再度「security login unlock -username diag」を実行する

::*> security login password -username admin

Enter your current password: <初期設定前であればエンターキー入力>
Enter a new password: <新しいパスワード>
Enter it again: <新しいパスワード>

::*> security login unlock -username diag


ロック解除に成功した場合、なにも表示されないため、確認のために「security login show -user-or-group-name diag」を実行する

::*> security login show -user-or-group-name diag

Vserver: Default
User/Group                 Authentication                 Acct   Authentication
Name           Application Method        Role Name        Locked Method
-------------- ----------- ------------- ---------------- ------ --------------
diag           console     password      admin            no     none


6) 現状のディスク構成を確認

現状のディスク構成を確認するために「system node systemshell -node local -command “ls -l /sim/dev/,disks”」を実行する。


::*> system node systemshell -node local -command "ls -l /sim/dev/,disks"

total 1849640
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel         912 Mar 10 16:07 ,reservations
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel        1372 Mar 10 16:07 Shelf:DiskShelf14
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1094312960 Mar 10 16:45 v0.16:NETAPP__:VD-1000MB-FZ-520:13511800:2104448
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1094312960 Mar 10 16:45 v0.17:NETAPP__:VD-1000MB-FZ-520:13511901:2104448
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1094312960 Mar 10 16:23 v1.29:NETAPP__:VD-1000MB-FZ-520:15901912:2104448
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  1094312960 Mar 10 16:23 v1.32:NETAPP__:VD-1000MB-FZ-520:15901913:2104448


7) いまあるディスクを削除

/sim/dev/,disks にあるファイルを削除するために「system node systemshell -node local -command “cd /sim/dev/,disks; sudo rm *”」を実行します。


実行後「system node systemshell -node local -command “ls -l /sim/dev/,disks”」を実行し、ファイルが削除されたことも確認します。

::*> system node systemshell -node local -command "cd /sim/dev/,disks; sudo rm *"

::*> system node systemshell -node local -command "ls -l /sim/dev/,disks"
total 0


8) ディスク作成

「system node systemshell -node localhost -command “cd /sim/dev;sudo vsim_makedisks -t 36 -n 20 -a 0″」を実行してディスクを20本追加します。


「system node systemshell -node localhost -command “cd /sim/dev;sudo vsim_makedisks -t 36 -n 20 -a 1″」を追加実行して、さらに20本追加します。

9) 再起動


10) Boot Menuを出す

再起動の始めに、下記のような「Press Ctrl-C for Boot Menu.」と出力されたタイミングでCtrl+Cキーを押す。


11) ディスク初期化を実行

“4. Clean configuration and initialize all disks.”の「4」を入力

“Zero disks, reset config and install a new file system?:”に「yes」と入力

続く”This will erase all the data on the disks, are you sure?:”も「yes」


12) 初期設定開始



13) 初期設定完了後追加設定



13a) aggr0へのディスク追加

ONTAPバージョンアップを行う場合、初期aggregateのサイズが10GB以上あった方が安全です。(ONTAP 9.7からいろいろバージョンアップテストを実施した結果)

ontap9121::> storage aggregate show

Aggregate     Size Available Used% State   #Vols  Nodes            RAID Status
--------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
            7.51GB   374.8MB   95% online       1 ontap9121-01     raid_dp,

ontap9121::> df -A -h
Aggregate                total       used      avail capacity
aggr0_ontap9121_01      7695MB     7320MB      374MB      95%
aggr0_ontap9121_01/.snapshot 405MB     0B      405MB       0%
2 entries were displayed.



とりあえずディスク1本追加するため「storage aggregate add-disks -aggregate <aggregate名> -diskcount 1」を実行します。

ontap9121::> storage aggregate add-disks -aggregate aggr0_ontap9121_01 -diskcount 1

Warning: Aggregate "aggr0_ontap9121_01" is a root aggregate. Adding disks to
         the root aggregate is not recommended. Once added, disks cannot be
         removed without re-initializing the node.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

Info: Disks would be added to aggregate "aggr0_ontap9121_01" on node
      "ontap9121-01" in the following manner:

      First Plex

        RAID Group rg0, 4 disks (block checksum, raid_dp)
                                                            Usable Physical
          Position   Disk                      Type           Size     Size
          ---------- ------------------------- ---------- -------- --------
          data       NET-1.11                  FCAL         8.79GB   8.82GB

      Aggregate capacity available for volume use would be increased by 7.91GB.

Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y

ontap9121::> storage aggregate show

Aggregate     Size Available Used% State   #Vols  Nodes            RAID Status
--------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
           15.03GB    7.88GB   48% online       1 ontap9121-01     raid_dp,

ontap9121::> df -A -h
Aggregate                total       used      avail capacity
aggr0_ontap9121_01        15GB     7320MB     8069MB      48%
aggr0_ontap9121_01/.snapshot 810MB     0B      810MB       0%
2 entries were displayed.


13b) vol0領域の拡大



現在値は「volume show」もしくは「df -h」で確認します。

ontap9121::> volume show
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
ontap9121-01 vol0      aggr0_ontap9121_01 online RW     7.11GB     6.04GB   10%

ontap9121::> df -h
Filesystem               total       used      avail capacity  Mounted on                 Vserver
/vol/vol0/              6915MB      731MB     6184MB      10%  ---                        ontap9121-01
/vol/vol0/.snapshot      363MB         0B      363MB       0%  ---                        ontap9121-01
2 entries were displayed.


vol0の容量を10GBに設定する「volume size -vserver <ノード名> -volume vol0 -new-size 10g」を実行します。

(実行できない場合「node run -node <ノード名> vol0 10g」

ontap9121::> volume size -vserver ontap9121-01 -volume vol0 -new-size 10g
vol size: Volume "ontap9121-01:vol0" size set to 10g.

ontap9121::> volume show
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
ontap9121-01 vol0      aggr0_ontap9121_01 online RW       10GB     8.78GB    7%

ontap9121::> df -h
Filesystem               total       used      avail capacity  Mounted on                 Vserver
/vol/vol0/              9728MB      740MB     8987MB       7%  ---                        ontap9121-01
/vol/vol0/.snapshot      512MB         0B      512MB       0%  ---                        ontap9121-01
2 entries were displayed.


13c) 未割り当てディスク追加

現在のONTAP上で認識しているディスクを確認するために「storage disk show」を実行します。

ontap9121::> storage disk show
                     Usable           Disk    Container   Container
Disk                   Size Shelf Bay Type    Type        Name      Owner
---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
NET-1.1                   -     -  16 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.2                   -     -  17 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.3                   -     -  18 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.4                   -     -  19 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.5                   -     -  20 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.6                   -     -  21 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.7                   -     -  22 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.8              8.81GB     -  16 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_ontap9121_01 ontap9121-01
NET-1.9              8.81GB     -  17 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_ontap9121_01 ontap9121-01
NET-1.10             8.81GB     -  18 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_ontap9121_01 ontap9121-01
NET-1.11             8.81GB     -  19 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_ontap9121_01 ontap9121-01
NET-1.12                  -     -  24 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.13                  -     -  25 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.14                  -     -  26 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.15                  -     -  27 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.16                  -     -  28 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.17                  -     -  29 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.18             8.81GB     -  20 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.19             8.81GB     -  21 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.20             8.81GB     -  22 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.21             8.81GB     -  24 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.22             8.81GB     -  25 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.23             8.81GB     -  26 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.24             8.81GB     -  27 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.25                  -     -  32 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.26                  -     -  33 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.27             8.81GB     -  28 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.28             8.81GB     -  29 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.29             8.81GB     -  32 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.30             8.81GB     -  33 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.31                  -     -  34 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.32                  -     -  35 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.33                  -     -  36 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.34                  -     -  37 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.35             8.81GB     -  34 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.36             8.81GB     -  35 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.37                  -     -  38 FCAL    unassigned  -         -
NET-1.38             8.81GB     -  36 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.39             8.81GB     -  37 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.40             8.81GB     -  38 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
40 entries were displayed.



割り当てるためには「storage disk assign -disklist *」を実行します。

ontap9121::> storage disk assign -disklist *

ontap9121::> storage disk show
                     Usable           Disk    Container   Container
Disk                   Size Shelf Bay Type    Type        Name      Owner
---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
NET-1.1              8.81GB     -  16 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.2              8.81GB     -  17 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.3              8.81GB     -  18 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.4              8.81GB     -  19 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.5              8.81GB     -  20 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.6              8.81GB     -  21 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.7              8.81GB     -  22 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.8              8.81GB     -  16 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_ontap9121_01 ontap9121-01
NET-1.9              8.81GB     -  17 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_ontap9121_01 ontap9121-01
NET-1.10             8.81GB     -  18 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_ontap9121_01 ontap9121-01
NET-1.11             8.81GB     -  19 FCAL    aggregate   aggr0_ontap9121_01 ontap9121-01
NET-1.12             8.81GB     -  24 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.13             8.81GB     -  25 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.14             8.81GB     -  26 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.15             8.81GB     -  27 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.16             8.81GB     -  28 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.17             8.81GB     -  29 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.18             8.81GB     -  20 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.19             8.81GB     -  21 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.20             8.81GB     -  22 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.21             8.81GB     -  24 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.22             8.81GB     -  25 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.23             8.81GB     -  26 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.24             8.81GB     -  27 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.25             8.81GB     -  32 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.26             8.81GB     -  33 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.27             8.81GB     -  28 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.28             8.81GB     -  29 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.29             8.81GB     -  32 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.30             8.81GB     -  33 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.31             8.81GB     -  34 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.32             8.81GB     -  35 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.33             8.81GB     -  36 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.34             8.81GB     -  37 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.35             8.81GB     -  34 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.36             8.81GB     -  35 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.37             8.81GB     -  38 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.38             8.81GB     -  36 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.39             8.81GB     -  37 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
NET-1.40             8.81GB     -  38 FCAL    spare       Pool0     ontap9121-01
40 entries were displayed.


「storage disk show -container-type unassigned」を実行してunassigned のディスクが無いことを確認します。

ontap9121::> storage disk show -container-type unassigned
There are no entries matching your query.


13d) vol0に対するsnapshot設定無効化

現在のvol0に対するスナップショット設定を確認するため「node run -node localhost -command snap sched」を実行

ontap9121::> node run -node localhost -command snap sched
Volume vol0: 0 2 6@8,12,16,20




変更は「node run -node localhost -command snap sched vol0 0 0 0」で行います。

ontap9121::> node run -node localhost -command snap sched vol0 0 0 0

ontap9121::> node run -node localhost -command snap sched
Volume vol0: 0 0 0


上記の様に「vol0: 0 0 0」となっていれば無効化されています。

(シミュレーター, simulator)