# passwd root
Changing password for root
Old password:
Last successful password change for root: ~
Last unsuccessful password change for root: ~
Do you want (choose one letter only):
pronounceable passwords generated for you (g)
a string of letters generated (l) ?
to pick your passwords: (p) ?
Enter choice here:
ontap97-sub::> storage aggregate add-disks -aggregate aggr0_ontap97_sub_01 -diskcount 3
Warning: Aggregate "aggr0_ontap97_sub_01" is a root aggregate. Adding disks to
the root aggregate is not recommended. Once added, disks cannot be
removed without reinitializing the node.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Info: Disks would be added to aggregate "aggr0_ontap97_sub_01" on node
"ontap97-sub-01" in the following manner:
First Plex
RAID Group rg0, 6 disks (block checksum, raid_dp)
Usable Physical
Position Disk Type Size Size
---------- ------------------------- ---------- -------- --------
data NET-1.19 FCAL 1000MB 1.00GB
data NET-1.27 FCAL 1000MB 1.00GB
data NET-1.20 FCAL 1000MB 1.00GB
Aggregate capacity available for volume use would be increased by 2.64GB.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
ontap97-sub::> storage aggregate show
Aggregate Size Available Used% State #Vols Nodes RAID Status
--------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
aggr0_ontap97_sub_01 3.34GB 2.55GB 24% online 1 ontap97-sub-01 raid_dp,
aggr1 14.06GB 14.00GB 0% online 3 ontap97-sub-01 raid_dp,
2 entries were displayed.
ontap97-sub::> df -A -h
Aggregate total used avail capacity
aggr0_ontap97_sub_01 3420MB 812MB 2607MB 24%
aggr0_ontap97_sub_01/.snapshot 180MB 0B 180MB 0%
aggr1 14GB 61MB 14GB 0%
aggr1/.snapshot 0B 0B 0B 0%
4 entries were displayed.
ontap97-sub::> volume show
Vserver Volume Aggregate State Type Size Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
ontap97-sub-01 vol0 aggr0_ontap97_sub_01 online RW 807.3MB 230.4MB 69%
1 entries were displayed.
ontap97-sub::> df -h
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on Vserver
/vol/vol0/ 766MB 536MB 230MB 69% --- ontap97-sub-01
/vol/vol0/.snapshot 40MB 32MB 7824KB 81% --- ontap97-sub-01
2 entries were displayed.
「system node run -node ノード名 df -h」という手法でもボリューム容量を確認することができます。
ontap97-sub::> system node run -node ontap97-sub-01 df -h
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/vol0/ 766MB 544MB 222MB 71% /vol/vol0/
/vol/vol0/.snapshot 40MB 32MB 7768KB 81% /vol/vol0/.snapshot
現状のvol0サイズを確認するため「system node run -node ノード名 vol size vol0」を実行します。
ontap97-sub::> system node run -node ontap97-sub-01 vol size vol0
vol size: Flexible volume 'vol0' has size 826656k.
ontap97-sub::> system node run -node ontap97-sub-01 vol size vol0 2g
vol size: Flexible volume 'vol0' size set to 2g.
ontap97-sub::> volume show
Vserver Volume Aggregate State Type Size Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
ontap97-sub-01 vol0 aggr0_ontap97_sub_01 online RW 2GB 1.38GB 27%
1 entries were displayed.
ontap97-sub::> df -h
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on Vserver
/vol/vol0/ 1945MB 536MB 1409MB 27% --- ontap97-sub-01
/vol/vol0/.snapshot 102MB 32MB 69MB 32% --- ontap97-sub-01
2 entries were displayed.
ontap97-sub::> system node run -node ontap97-sub-01 df -h
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/vol0/ 1945MB 543MB 1402MB 28% /vol/vol0/
/vol/vol0/.snapshot 102MB 32MB 69MB 32% /vol/vol0/.snapshot