古いONTAPがActive Directoryに参加できない

古いONTAP、具体的にはONTAP 8.3.2環境の移行案件があったので、検証のためにONTAP simulatorのONTAP 8.3.2版を仮想環境上に作成して、Active Directoryに参加しようとしたところ下記のエラーとなった。(なお、接続先Active Direcrotyはsamba 4.14.5で構成している)

ontap832::> vserver cifs create -cifs-server share226 -domain adosakana.local -vserver share226

In order to create an Active Directory machine account for the CIFS server, you
must supply the name and password of a Windows account with sufficient
privileges to add computers to the "CN=Computers" container within the

Enter the user name: administrator

Enter the password:

Error: Machine account creation procedure failed
  [ 12154] Loaded the preliminary configuration.
  [ 12332] Created a machine account in the domain
  [ 12339] Successfully connected to using TCP
  [ 12351] Unable to connect to LSA service on
           samba.adosakana.local (Error:
  [ 14357] TCP connection to via interface
  failed: (Operation timed out).
  [ 14357] Could not open a socket to 'samba.adosakana.local'
  [ 14357] Unable to connect to LSA service on
           samba.adosakana.local (Error:
  [ 14357] No servers available for MS_LSA, vserver: 2, domain:
**[ 14357] FAILURE: Unable to make a connection (LSA:adosakana.local),
**         result: 6940
  [ 14357] Could not find Windows SID
  [ 14381] Deleted existing account

Error: command failed: Failed to create the Active Directory machine account
       "SHARE226". Reason: SecD Error: no server available.


これは暗号化の問題なので「vserver cifs security show」で設定項目を確認する。

ontap832::> vserver cifs security show -vserver share226

Vserver: share226

                    Kerberos Clock Skew:                   - minutes
                    Kerberos Ticket Age:                   - hours
                   Kerberos Renewal Age:                   - days
                   Kerberos KDC Timeout:                   - seconds
                    Is Signing Required:                   -
        Is Password Complexity Required:                   -
   Use start_tls For AD LDAP connection:               false
              Is AES Encryption Enabled:               false
                 LM Compatibility Level:  lm-ntlm-ntlmv2-krb
             Is SMB Encryption Required:                   -


ONTAP 8.3.2無印では関連するオプション「SMB2 Enabled for DC Connections」を設定する項目が無い

ontap832::> version -node *

NetApp Release 8.3.2: Tue Feb 23 23:35:06 UTC 2016


アップデータを探したところ、832P12_q_image.tgz(リンク先はNetAppサポートサイトにログインを済ませてからアクセス) があったので、「ONTAP 9.7シミュレータをアップデートする手法」と同じ手法でアップデートを行った。

ontap832::> version -node *

NetApp Release 8.3.2P12: Mon Aug 14 02:57:01 UTC 2017


ONTAP 8.3.2P12であれば、「SMB2 Enabled for DC Connections」が存在していた。

ontap832::> vserver cifs security show -vserver share226

Vserver: share226

                    Kerberos Clock Skew:                   - minutes
                    Kerberos Ticket Age:                   - hours
                   Kerberos Renewal Age:                   - days
                   Kerberos KDC Timeout:                   - seconds
                    Is Signing Required:                   -
        Is Password Complexity Required:                   -
   Use start_tls For AD LDAP connection:               false
              Is AES Encryption Enabled:               false
                 LM Compatibility Level:  lm-ntlm-ntlmv2-krb
             Is SMB Encryption Required:                   -
        SMB1 Enabled for DC Connections:                   -
        SMB2 Enabled for DC Connections:                   -



ontap832::> vserver cifs security modify -vserver share226 -smb1-enabled-for-dc-connections false -smb2-enabled-for-dc-connections true

ontap832::> vserver cifs security show -vserver share226

Vserver: share226

                    Kerberos Clock Skew:                   - minutes
                    Kerberos Ticket Age:                   - hours
                   Kerberos Renewal Age:                   - days
                   Kerberos KDC Timeout:                   - seconds
                    Is Signing Required:                   -
        Is Password Complexity Required:                   -
   Use start_tls For AD LDAP connection:               false
              Is AES Encryption Enabled:               false
                 LM Compatibility Level:  lm-ntlm-ntlmv2-krb
             Is SMB Encryption Required:                   -
        SMB1 Enabled for DC Connections:               false
        SMB2 Enabled for DC Connections:                true


そして、Active Directoryへの参加

ontap832::> vserver cifs create -cifs-server share226 -domain adosakana.local -vserver share226

In order to create an Active Directory machine account for the CIFS server, you
must supply the name and password of a Windows account with sufficient
privileges to add computers to the "CN=Computers" container within the

Enter the user name: administrator

Enter the password:

Warning: An account by this name already exists in Active Directory at
         Ok to reuse this account? {y|n}: y




メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です

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