Oracle CloudでのUbuntu インスタンス上のOracle Cloud Agentのアップデート

Oracle Cloud上のUbuntuインスタンスにはOracle Cloud Agentがsnapパッケージでインストールされている。



ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ snap list
Name                Version      Rev    Tracking         Publisher   Notes
core18              20211215     2289   latest/stable    canonical?  base
core20              20220114     1332   latest/stable    canonical?  base
lxd                 4.0.8        21843  4.0/stable/…     canonical?  -
oracle-cloud-agent  1.19.0-1130  31     latest/stable/…  oci.osi     classic
snapd               2.54.2       14553  latest/stable    canonical?  snapd


ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ snap info oracle-cloud-agent
name:      oracle-cloud-agent
summary:   Oracle Cloud Agent
publisher: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (oci.osi)
license:   unset
description: |
  Oracle Cloud Infrastructure agent for compute instance management and
  oracle-cloud-agent:                            simple, enabled, active simple, enabled, active
snap-id:      ltx4XjES2e2ujitNIuO5GxPYDM6lp6ry
tracking:     latest/stable/ubuntu-20.04
refresh-date: 2022-02-15
  latest/stable:    1.22.0-2    2022-04-25 (37) 18MB classic
  latest/candidate: 1.22.0-2    2022-04-08 (37) 18MB classic
  latest/beta:      1.22.0-2    2022-04-08 (37) 18MB classic
  latest/edge:      ↑
installed:          1.19.0-1130            (31) 21MB classic


snapの更新は「sudo snap refresh」で行う。

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ snap refresh
error: access denied (try with sudo)
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo snap refresh
Handling re-refresh of "core18", "core20", "lxd", "oracle-cloud-agent", "snapd" Handling re-refresh of "core18", "core20", "lxd", "oracle-cloud-agent", "snapd" Handling re-refresh of "core18", "core20", "lxd", "oracle-cloud-agent", "snapd" 2022-05-06T07:14:40Z INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart...
oracle-cloud-agent (stable/ubuntu-20.04) 1.22.0-2 from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (oci.osi) refreshed
snapd 2.55.3 from Canonical? refreshed
core18 20220309 from Canonical? refreshed
core20 20220329 from Canonical? refreshed
lxd (4.0/stable) 4.0.9-8e2046b from Canonical? refreshed


ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ snap list
Name                Version        Rev    Tracking         Publisher   Notes
core18              20220309       2349   latest/stable    canonical?  base
core20              20220329       1437   latest/stable    canonical?  base
lxd                 4.0.9-8e2046b  22761  4.0/stable/…     canonical?  -
oracle-cloud-agent  1.22.0-2       37     latest/stable/…  oci.osi     classic
snapd               2.55.3         15541  latest/stable    canonical?  snapd
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ snap info oracle-cloud-agent
name:      oracle-cloud-agent
summary:   Oracle Cloud Agent
publisher: Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (oci.osi)
license:   unset
description: |
  Oracle Cloud Infrastructure agent for compute instance management and
  oracle-cloud-agent:                            simple, enabled, active simple, enabled, active
snap-id:      ltx4XjES2e2ujitNIuO5GxPYDM6lp6ry
tracking:     latest/stable/ubuntu-20.04
refresh-date: today at 07:14 UTC
  latest/stable:    1.22.0-2 2022-04-25 (37) 18MB classic
  latest/candidate: 1.22.0-2 2022-04-08 (37) 18MB classic
  latest/beta:      1.22.0-2 2022-04-08 (37) 18MB classic
  latest/edge:      ↑
installed:          1.22.0-2            (37) 18MB classic

IPv6アクセス可能なOracle Cloudインスタンスを作る

Oracle CloudのTokyoリージョンで、久しぶりにFree TierのARMインスタンスが作れるようになっていたので、最新の手順確認をしてみる。

前提条件: Oracle Cloud側の仮想クラウドネットワーク(VNC)は既にIPv6が有効化されていること。(参考資料:Oracle Cloudですでに作成済みのネットワークに対してIPv6を有効にする方法)

Oracle Cloudコンソール上のインスタンス設定での確認点







Ubuntu 20.04インスタンスの場合

Canonical-Ubuntu-20.04-aarch64-2022.02.15-0 で作成したインスタンスの場合、起動直後は以下の様な状態でした。

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ip a s
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp0s3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 9000 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 02:00:17:02:7d:5f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global enp0s3
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 fe80::17ff:fe02:7d5f/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever


ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ ip a s
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
    inet scope host lo
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp0s3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 9000 qdisc pfifo_fast state UP group default qlen 1000
    link/ether 02:00:17:02:7d:5f brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    inet brd scope global enp0s3
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
    inet6 2603:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:5536/128 scope global dynamic noprefixroute
       valid_lft 7353sec preferred_lft 7053sec
    inet6 fe80::17ff:fe02:7d5f/64 scope link
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever


Oracle Linux8インスタンスの場合

Oracle-Linux-8.5-aarch64-2022.03.17-1  を使用したところ、相変わらずfirewalldに対するdhcpv6-clientの許可が出されていないためIPv6アドレス取得が出来ない状態でした。

なので、「sudo firewall-cmd –permanent –add-service=dhcpv6-client」でルールを追加して、OS再起動で対応させました。

$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=dhcpv6-client
$ sudo firewall-cmd --reload
$ sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
public (active)
  target: default
  icmp-block-inversion: no
  interfaces: enp0s3
  services: dhcpv6-client ssh
  masquerade: no
  rich rules:

ESXi をprofileベースでアップデートする


で、あとでパッチを適用する場合、メーカから出ているBundle zipファイルを適用するが、「esxcli software update -d ~」で適用すると「構成:イメージ プロファイル」の記述がアップデートされない。


(1) Bundle zipファイル内のプロファイル名確認

まず、提供されているBundle zipファイルに含まれるプロファイル名を確認するために「esxcli software sources profile list」を実行

[root@ホスト名] esxcli software sources profile list -d /vmfs/volumes/~/
Name                             Vendor  Acceptance Level  Creation Time        Modification Time
-------------------------------  ------  ----------------  -------------------  -------------------
DellEMC-ESXi-6.7U3-18828794-A16  Dell    PartnerSupported  2021-10-26T03:23:17  2022-01-11T12:21:23

(2) 現状適用されているプロファイル名確認

次に現状のプロファイル名を確認するために「esxcli software profile get」を実行

[root@ホスト名] esxcli software profile get
(Updated) DellEMC-ESXi-6.7U3-15160138-A03
   Name: (Updated) DellEMC-ESXi-6.7U3-15160138-A03
   Vendor: Dell
   Creation Time: 2021-12-28T08:45:43
   Modification Time: 2022-04-22T07:27:05
   Stateless Ready: False

      2021-12-28T08:45:43.600204+00:00: The following VIBs are
        ata-pata-amd  0.3.10-3vmw.670.0.0.8169922

(3) プロファイルによるアップデートの適用

プロファイルとしてアップデートを適用するため「esxcli software profile update」でコマンドを実行。

[root@ホスト名]  esxcli software profile update -d /vmfs/volumes/ -p DellEMC-ESXi-6.7U3-18828794-A16

(4) 再起動


Oracle Cloud上のOracle Linux 8環境でレポジトリを追加する

Oracle Cloud上でOracle Linux 8を展開するとき、Oracleが提供するプラットフォームイメージ を使用する。

Oracle-Linux-8.5-aarch64-2022.03.17-1 を使用したところ、CLIのレポジトリ一覧表示に変化があった。

$ sudo dnf repolist --all
This system is receiving updates from OSMS server.
repo id                                  repo name                       status
ol8_addons-aarch64                       Oracle Linux 8 Add ons (aarch64 enabled
ol8_appstream-aarch64                    Oracle Linux 8 Application Stre enabled
ol8_baseos_latest-aarch64                Oracle Linux 8 BaseOS Latest (a enabled
ol8_ksplice-aarch64                      Ksplice for Oracle Linux 8 (aar enabled
ol8_mysql80-aarch64                      MySQL 8.0 for Oracle Linux 8 (a enabled
ol8_mysql80_connectors_community-aarch64 MySQL 8.0 Connectors for Oracle enabled
ol8_mysql80_tools_community-aarch64      MySQL 8.0 Tools Community for O enabled
ol8_oci_included-aarch64                 Oracle Software for OCI users o enabled

「This system is receiving updates from OSMS server.」というメッセージが追加されていて、有効化されているレポジトリしか表示されていない。

OSMSというのはOS Management System(OS管理) のことで、2020年ぐらいから組み込みが開始されていたもののレポジトリ管理までは行っていなかったものとなる。


10月Oracle Linux 8プラットフォーム・イメージでデフォルトで有効になっているOS管理サービス・エージェント・プラグイン

2021年10月にリリースされたOracle Linux 8プラットフォーム・イメージ以降、Oracle Linux 8インスタンスのOracle Cloud Agent 1.16.0でOS管理サービス・エージェント・プラグインがデフォルトで有効になっています。

2021年10月(Oracle Cloud Agent 1.15.0以前を実行)より前に起動されたOracle Linux 8インスタンスの場合、OS管理サービス・エージェント・プラグインはデフォルトで無効になっています。無効化されたOracle Linux 8インスタンスのOS管理サービス・エージェント・プラグインは、Oracle Cloud Agent 1.16.0への更新後も無効のままです。


ただ、「OS管理の開始 – 前提条件」には「OS管理は、Oracle Cloud Free Tierでは使用できません。」


それはさておき、「This system is receiving updates from OSMS server.」が表示される場合のレポジトリ追加は、まずは、Oracle Cloudのコンソール画面から実施する。








$ sudo dnf repolist --all
This system is receiving updates from OSMS server.
repo id                                  repo name                       status
ol8_addons-aarch64                       Oracle Linux 8 Add ons (aarch64 enabled
ol8_appstream-aarch64                    Oracle Linux 8 Application Stre enabled
ol8_baseos_latest-aarch64                Oracle Linux 8 BaseOS Latest (a enabled
ol8_developer_epel-aarch64               Oracle Linux 8 EPEL Packages fo enabled
ol8_ksplice-aarch64                      Ksplice for Oracle Linux 8 (aar enabled
ol8_mysql80-aarch64                      MySQL 8.0 for Oracle Linux 8 (a enabled
ol8_mysql80_connectors_community-aarch64 MySQL 8.0 Connectors for Oracle enabled
ol8_mysql80_tools_community-aarch64      MySQL 8.0 Tools Community for O enabled
ol8_oci_included-aarch64                 Oracle Software for OCI users o enabled

PowerScale でアラートの警告をCLIで消す

PowerScale/Isilon/One FSシミュレータをvSphere環境上にたてて放置しておいたら、アラートが上がっている。

One or more drives (location(s) Bay 7, Bay 8, Bay 9, Bay 10, Bay 11, Bay 12, Bay 13, Bay 14, Bay 15 / type(s) HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD) are not healthy.


[Cluster Management]-[Hardware Configuration]の[Drives]で該当ノードをスロットを確認するとたしかに「Empty」となっている。

sshアクセスして「isi status」の結果をとってみる。

isilon-1# isi status
Cluster Name: isilon
Cluster Health:     [ ATTN]
Data Reduction:     1.08 : 1
Storage Efficiency: 0.27 : 1
Cluster Storage:  HDD                 SSD Storage
Size:             403.2G (548.1G Raw) 0 (0 Raw)
VHS Size:         144.9G
Used:             7.3G (2%)           0 (n/a)
Avail:            395.9G (98%)        0 (n/a)

                   Health  Throughput (bps)  HDD Storage      SSD Storage
ID |IP Address     |DASR |  In   Out  Total| Used / Size     |Used / Size
  1|   | OK  |    0| 1.4M| 1.4M| 1.0G/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  2|n/a            |-A-- |    0| 224k| 224k| 791M/57.6G(  1%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  3|   | OK  |    0|    0|    0| 1.2G/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  4|   | OK  |    0| 526k| 526k|1022M/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  5|   | OK  |    0|49.7k|49.7k| 922M/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  6|   | OK  |    0|33.3k|33.3k| 1.3G/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  7|n/a            |-A-- |    0|60.1k|60.1k| 1.2G/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
Cluster Totals:          |    0| 2.2M| 2.2M| 7.3G/ 403G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)

     Health Fields: D = Down, A = Attention, S = Smartfailed, R = Read-Only

Critical Events:
Time            LNN  Event
--------------- ---- -------------------------------------------------------
03/15 19:12:38  2    One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay ...
03/15 19:23:19  7    One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay ...

Cluster Job Status:

No running jobs.

No paused or waiting jobs.

No failed jobs.

Recent job results:
Time            Job                        Event
--------------- -------------------------- ------------------------------
03/16 04:00:25  ShadowStoreProtect[63]     Succeeded
03/16 02:00:13  WormQueue[62]              Succeeded
03/16 00:01:00  ShadowStoreDelete[61]      Succeeded
03/15 22:12:38  SnapshotDelete[60]         Succeeded
03/15 22:02:43  FSAnalyze[59]              Succeeded
03/15 22:01:12  SmartPools[58]             Succeeded
03/15 20:00:26  ShadowStoreProtect[57]     Succeeded
03/15 19:16:11  MultiScan[56]              Succeeded
03/15 19:04:57  MultiScan[55]              Succeeded
03/15 19:00:06  MultiScan[53]              Succeeded


イベントのアラートをとりあえず消すか、と、まずはイベントのeventgroup IDを確認するため「isi event events list –format=csv」を実行。
(「isi event events list」だと無駄なスペースが多くて探しにくいので、コンパクトなcsv出力にしています。)

isilon-1# isi event events list --format=csv
ID,Occurred,Sev,Lnn,"Eventgroup ID",Message
1.2,1646613393,W,1,1,"The SmartPools upgrade has not completed. Please contact PowerScale support and reference emc321047"
1.331,1646613875,I,-1,1024,"Resolving event group"
1.273,1646613695,W,-1,1024,"Node 2 is unprovisioned"
1.1120,1647338834,C,0,1051,"Resolved from PAPI"
1.356,1646614051,C,1,1051,"One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay  9, Bay 10, Bay 11, Bay 12, Bay 13, Bay 14, Bay 15 / type(s) HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD) are not healthy."
1.1119,1647338833,C,0,1052,"Resolved from PAPI"
2.314,1646614344,C,-1,1052,"One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay  9, Bay 10, Bay 11, Bay 12, Bay 13, Bay 14, Bay 15 / type(s) HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD) are not healthy."
1.1122,1647338838,C,0,1053,"Resolved from PAPI"
3.263,1646614413,C,-1,1053,"One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay  9, Bay 10, Bay 11, Bay 12, Bay 13, Bay 14, Bay 15 / type(s) HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD) are not healthy."
1.802,1647310249,C,0,1054,"Resolved from PAPI"
4.254,1646614484,C,4,1054,"One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay  9, Bay 10, Bay 11, Bay 12, Bay 13, Bay 14, Bay 15 / type(s) HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD) are not healthy."
4.269,1646665200,I,4,1060,"Heartbeat Event"
1.376,1646665200,I,1,1061,"Heartbeat Event"
3.304,1646751600,I,-1,1085,"Heartbeat Event"
4.296,1646751600,I,4,1086,"Heartbeat Event"
2.355,1646751600,I,-1,1087,"Heartbeat Event"
1.426,1646751600,I,1,1088,"Heartbeat Event"
2.384,1646838000,I,-1,1111,"Heartbeat Event"
4.325,1646838000,I,4,1112,"Heartbeat Event"
3.333,1646838000,I,-1,1113,"Heartbeat Event"
1.477,1646838000,I,1,1114,"Heartbeat Event"
2.412,1646924400,I,-1,1137,"Heartbeat Event"
1.527,1646924400,I,1,1138,"Heartbeat Event"
4.353,1646924400,I,4,1144,"Heartbeat Event"
3.361,1646924400,I,-1,1145,"Heartbeat Event"
2.441,1647010800,I,-1,1163,"Heartbeat Event"
4.382,1647010800,I,4,1164,"Heartbeat Event"
3.390,1647010800,I,-1,1165,"Heartbeat Event"
1.578,1647010800,I,1,1166,"Heartbeat Event"
1.635,1647097200,I,1,1194,"Heartbeat Event"
3.420,1647097200,I,-1,1200,"Heartbeat Event"
4.412,1647097200,I,4,1201,"Heartbeat Event"
2.471,1647097200,I,-1,1202,"Heartbeat Event"
2.500,1647183600,I,-1,1220,"Heartbeat Event"
1.686,1647183600,I,1,1221,"Heartbeat Event"
3.449,1647183600,I,-1,1227,"Heartbeat Event"
4.441,1647183600,I,4,1228,"Heartbeat Event"
2.529,1647270000,I,-1,1246,"Heartbeat Event"
3.478,1647270000,I,-1,1247,"Heartbeat Event"
4.470,1647270000,I,4,1248,"Heartbeat Event"
1.737,1647270000,I,1,1249,"Heartbeat Event"
1.1121,1647338837,C,0,1457,"Resolved from PAPI"
5.271,1647337391,C,5,1457,"One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay  9, Bay 10, Bay 11, Bay 12, Bay 13, Bay 14, Bay 15 / type(s) HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD) are not healthy."
1.1028,1647337630,I,3,1458,"Resolving event group"
1.1016,1647337569,W,3,1458,"Node 3 is unprovisioned"
1.1054,1647338168,I,6,1471,"Resolving event group"
1.1042,1647338049,W,6,1471,"Node 6 is unprovisioned"
1.1109,1647338661,C,0,1476,"Resolved from PAPI"
6.270,1647338209,C,3,1476,"One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay  9, Bay 10, Bay 11, Bay 12, Bay 13, Bay 14, Bay 15 / type(s) HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD) are not healthy."
1.1137,1647339264,I,7,1520,"Resolving event group"
1.1124,1647339143,C,7,1520,"Node 7 is offline"
8.270,1647339158,C,2,1523,"One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay  9, Bay 10, Bay 11, Bay 12, Bay 13, Bay 14, Bay 15 / type(s) HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD) are not healthy."
1.1138,1647339265,I,7,1525,"Node 7 is online (offline event 1.1124, Tue Mar 15 19:12:23 2022 to Tue Mar 15 19:14:24 2022)"
9.268,1647339799,C,7,1535,"One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay  9, Bay 10, Bay 11, Bay 12, Bay 13, Bay 14, Bay 15 / type(s) HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD) are not healthy."
8.445,1647356400,I,2,1578,"Heartbeat Event"
7.297,1647356401,I,6,1579,"Heartbeat Event"
5.325,1647356400,I,5,1580,"Heartbeat Event"
6.306,1647356400,I,3,1581,"Heartbeat Event"
1.1201,1647356401,I,1,1582,"Heartbeat Event"
9.432,1647356400,I,7,1588,"Heartbeat Event"
4.589,1647356401,I,4,1589,"Heartbeat Event"
1.322,1646613815,I,1,4,"Resolving event group"
1.171,1646613514,W,1,4,"Node 1 is unprovisioned"
Total: 64                                                                                                                                            

出力の「Lnn」に注目してもらうと見えてくるのですが、isi statusで出ている2,7以外でもこのメッセージは出ていて、それはすでにResolveとしていたりします。


「isi status」で確認した時刻「03/15 19:23:19」を使います。

Critical Events:
Time            LNN  Event
--------------- ---- -------------------------------------------------------
03/15 19:12:38  2    One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay ...
03/15 19:23:19  7    One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay ...

format=csvの時の時刻はunixtimeとなっているのでdateコマンドを使って変換します。ただし、OneFSのdateコマンドはBSD dateなのでオプションの違いに注意する必要があります。

isilon-1# date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" "2022-03-15 19:12:38" +%s


isilon-1# isi event events list --format=csv|grep 1647339158
8.270,1647339158,C,2,1523,"One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay  9, Bay 10, Bay 11, Bay 12, Bay 13, Bay 14, Bay 15 / type(s) HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD) are not healthy."

出力は「ID,Occurred,Sev,Lnn,”Eventgroup ID”,Message」という順番なので
 Eventgroup ID:1523

イベントの単品を確認する場合は「isi event events view <ID>」を実行します。

isilon-1# isi event events view 8.270
           ID: 8.270
Eventgroup ID: 1523
   Event Type: 100010011
      Message: One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay  9, Bay 10, Bay 11, Bay 12, Bay 13, Bay 14, Bay 15 / type(s) HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD) are not healthy.
        Devid: 8
          Lnn: 2
         Time: 2022-03-15T19:12:38
     Severity: critical
        Value: 9.0

Eventgroup IDベースで確認するのであれば「isi event view –id=<EventGroupID>」

isilon-1# isi event view --id=1523
          ID: 1523
     Started: 03/15 19:12
 Causes Long: One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay  9, Bay 10, Bay 11, Bay 12, Bay 13, Bay 14, Bay 15 / type(s) HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD) are not healthy.
         Lnn: 2
       Devid: 8
  Last Event: 2022-03-15T19:12:38
      Ignore: No
 Ignore Time: Never
    Resolved: No
Resolve Time: Never
       Ended: --
      Events: 1
    Severity: critical

解決するには「isi event modify –id=<EventGroupID> –resolved=true」を実行

isilon-1# isi event modify --id=1523 --resolved=true
isilon-1# isi status
Cluster Name: isilon
Critical Events:
Time            LNN  Event
--------------- ---- -------------------------------------------------------
03/15 19:23:19  7    One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay ...




isilon-1# date -j -f "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" "2022-03-15 19:23:19" +%s
isilon-1# isi event events list --format=csv|grep 1647339799
9.268,1647339799,C,7,1535,"One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay  9, Bay 10, Bay 11, Bay 12, Bay 13, Bay 14, Bay 15 / type(s) HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD) are not healthy."
isilon-1# isi event view --id 1535
          ID: 1535
     Started: 03/15 19:23
 Causes Long: One or more drives (location(s) Bay  7, Bay  8, Bay  9, Bay 10, Bay 11, Bay 12, Bay 13, Bay 14, Bay 15 / type(s) HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD, HDD) are not healthy.
         Lnn: 7
       Devid: 9
  Last Event: 2022-03-15T19:23:19
      Ignore: No
 Ignore Time: Never
    Resolved: No
Resolve Time: Never
       Ended: --
      Events: 1
    Severity: critical
isilon-1# isi event modify --id=1535 --resolved=true
isilon-1# isi status
Cluster Name: isilon
Cluster Health:     [ ATTN]
Data Reduction:     1.08 : 1
Storage Efficiency: 0.27 : 1
Cluster Storage:  HDD                 SSD Storage
Size:             403.2G (548.1G Raw) 0 (0 Raw)
VHS Size:         144.9G
Used:             7.4G (2%)           0 (n/a)
Avail:            395.8G (98%)        0 (n/a)

                   Health  Throughput (bps)  HDD Storage      SSD Storage
ID |IP Address     |DASR |  In   Out  Total| Used / Size     |Used / Size
  1|   | OK  | 551k| 4.7M| 5.3M| 1.0G/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  2|n/a            | OK  |    0|14.5k|14.5k| 795M/57.6G(  1%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  3|   | OK  |    0|33.2k|33.2k| 1.2G/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  4|   | OK  |    0|49.7k|49.7k| 1.0G/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  5|   | OK  |    0|22.4k|22.4k| 924M/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  6|   | OK  |    0| 230k| 230k| 1.3G/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  7|n/a            |-A-- | 9.7k| 96.0| 9.8k| 1.2G/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
Cluster Totals:          | 561k| 5.1M| 5.6M| 7.4G/ 403G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)

     Health Fields: D = Down, A = Attention, S = Smartfailed, R = Read-Only

Critical Events:
Time            LNN  Event
--------------- ---- -------------------------------------------------------

Cluster Job Status:

No running jobs.

No paused or waiting jobs.

No failed jobs.

Recent job results:
Time            Job                        Event
--------------- -------------------------- ------------------------------
03/16 04:00:25  ShadowStoreProtect[63]     Succeeded
03/16 02:00:13  WormQueue[62]              Succeeded
03/16 00:01:00  ShadowStoreDelete[61]      Succeeded
03/15 22:12:38  SnapshotDelete[60]         Succeeded
03/15 22:02:43  FSAnalyze[59]              Succeeded
03/15 22:01:12  SmartPools[58]             Succeeded
03/15 20:00:26  ShadowStoreProtect[57]     Succeeded
03/15 19:16:11  MultiScan[56]              Succeeded
03/15 19:04:57  MultiScan[55]              Succeeded
03/15 19:00:06  MultiScan[53]              Succeeded


あれ?「Critical Events」に何もないのに、「Cluster Health:ATTN」のまま?


isilon-1# isi status
Cluster Name: isilon
Cluster Health:     [  OK ]
Data Reduction:     1.08 : 1
Storage Efficiency: 0.27 : 1
Cluster Storage:  HDD                 SSD Storage
Size:             403.2G (548.1G Raw) 0 (0 Raw)
VHS Size:         144.9G
Used:             7.4G (2%)           0 (n/a)
Avail:            395.8G (98%)        0 (n/a)

                   Health  Throughput (bps)  HDD Storage      SSD Storage
ID |IP Address     |DASR |  In   Out  Total| Used / Size     |Used / Size
  1|   | OK  |    0| 200k| 200k| 1.0G/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  2|n/a            | OK  |    0|    0|    0| 792M/57.6G(  1%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  3|   | OK  |    0| 244k| 244k| 1.2G/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  4|   | OK  |    0|24.9k|24.9k| 1.0G/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  5|   | OK  |    0| 128k| 128k| 924M/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  6|   | OK  |    0|33.3k|33.3k| 1.3G/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
  7|n/a            | OK  |    0| 175k| 175k| 1.2G/57.6G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)
Cluster Totals:          |    0| 805k| 805k| 7.4G/ 403G(  2%)|(No Storage SSDs)

     Health Fields: D = Down, A = Attention, S = Smartfailed, R = Read-Only

Critical Events:
Time            LNN  Event
--------------- ---- -------------------------------------------------------

Cluster Job Status:

No running jobs.

No paused or waiting jobs.

No failed jobs.

Recent job results:
Time            Job                        Event
--------------- -------------------------- ------------------------------
03/16 04:00:25  ShadowStoreProtect[63]     Succeeded
03/16 02:00:13  WormQueue[62]              Succeeded
03/16 00:01:00  ShadowStoreDelete[61]      Succeeded
03/15 22:12:38  SnapshotDelete[60]         Succeeded
03/15 22:02:43  FSAnalyze[59]              Succeeded
03/15 22:01:12  SmartPools[58]             Succeeded
03/15 20:00:26  ShadowStoreProtect[57]     Succeeded
03/15 19:16:11  MultiScan[56]              Succeeded
03/15 19:04:57  MultiScan[55]              Succeeded
03/15 19:00:06  MultiScan[53]              Succeeded
