RHEL5/CentOS5向けのサーバ管理向けWebGUI KloxoとHyperVM



Linuxサーバの設定をWebGUIで行うもの(Hosting Control Panel)


ただ、Hostbillは、GMO Cloud のUS版があったり
検索すると、「Powered by Hostbill」だけど、日本語の注文画面とかが確認できるので、



kloxoのコード自体は https://github.com/lxcenter/kloxo に残っているが、最終更新は2019年

hypervmのコードも https://github.com/lxcenter/hypervm にある。こちらの最終更新は2012年

うかつな失敗のメモ githubからcloneできない


git cloneをすると、以下のメッセージで403エラーとなる。

$ git clone https://github.com/CyanogenMod/cm-kernel.git
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/work/muchtel/cm-kernel/.git/
fatal: https://github.com/CyanogenMod/cm-kernel.git/info/refs download error - The requested URL returned error: 403


        sslVerify = false





Ben NanoNoteをバージョンアップ

最近あまり動きがなかったBen NanoNote

Nano Noteがどんなのかというと・・・

・CPUにJz4720 336MHz使用。

で、そんな感じのBen Nano Noteですが、最新版の2011年11月13日版でいろいろ面白い変更が取り込まれていました。

最大の変更は、Linux kernelがver 3.0(前はverだった)になったということ。
そして、IEEE 802.15.4を利用したWPANの取り込み。



# wget http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/software/images/NanoNote/Ben/reflash_ben.sh
--2011-11-24 14:40:37--  http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/software/images/NanoNote/Ben/reflash_ben.sh
downloads.qi-hardware.com をDNSに問いあわせています...
downloads.qi-hardware.com||:80 に接続しています... 接続しました。
HTTP による接続要求を送信しました、応答を待っています... 302 Found
場所: http://projects.qi-hardware.com/index.php/p/openwrt-packages/source/file/master/nanonote-files/data/qi_lb60/scripts/reflash_ben.sh [続く]
--2011-11-24 14:40:37--  http://projects.qi-hardware.com/index.php/p/openwrt-packages/source/file/master/nanonote-files/data/qi_lb60/scripts/reflash_ben.sh
projects.qi-hardware.com をDNSに問いあわせています...
downloads.qi-hardware.com:80 への接続を再利用します。
HTTP による接続要求を送信しました、応答を待っています... 200 OK
長さ: 7310 (7.1K) [application/x-sh]
`reflash_ben.sh' に保存中

100%[==========================================>] 7,310       26.2K/s 時間 0.3s

2011-11-24 14:40:38 (26.2 KB/s) - `reflash_ben.sh' へ保存完了 [7310/7310]

# chmod a+x reflash_ben.sh
# ./reflash_ben.sh
working dir:      /root/.qi/nanonote/ben/latest
chosen method:    http http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/software/images/NanoNote/Ben
chosen version:   latest
present files are identical to the ones on the server - do not download them again
booting device...
usbboot: error while loading shared libraries: libconfuse.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
fatal error occured - ABORTED
can't boot device - xburst-tools setup correctly? device in boot-mode? device connected?
Before reporting this as a bug
Please ensure you're using the latest available version of this reflash script

あ~、libconfuseなんて入れてないよな・・・と「yum install libconfuse」追加。
ちなみに、他にも、/root/.qi だと/パーテーションを圧迫しちゃってるので、.qiディレクトリを他のパーテーションにシンボリックリンクで逃がしたりしています。


# ./reflash_ben.sh
working dir:      /root/.qi/nanonote/ben/latest
chosen method:    http http://downloads.qi-hardware.com/software/images/NanoNote/Ben
chosen version:   latest
present files are identical to the ones on the server - do not download them again
booting device...
clean bootloader env data ...
flashing bootloader...
Done:  2/2
flashing kernel...
Done:  4/4
fatal error occured - ABORTED
error while flashing kernel:
Error - can't read bulk data from Ingenic device:-110
Before reporting this as a bug
Please ensure you're using the latest available version of this reflash script


# usbboot
usbboot - Ingenic XBurst USB Boot Utility
(c) 2009 Ingenic Semiconductor Inc., Qi Hardware Inc., Xiangfu Liu, Marek Lindner
This program is Free Software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

Now checking whether all configure args valid: YES
Current device information:
CPU type is Ingenic XBurst Jz4740
Crystal work at 12MHz, the CCLK up to 252MHz and PMH_CLK up to 84MHz
SDRAM Total size is 32 MB, work in 4 bank and 16 bit mode
Nand page per block 128, Nand page size 4096, ECC offset in OOB 12, bad block offset in OOB 0, bad block page 127, use 1 plane mode
usbboot :> exit
 exiting usbboot software



# usbboot
usbboot - Ingenic XBurst USB Boot Utility
(c) 2009 Ingenic Semiconductor Inc., Qi Hardware Inc., Xiangfu Liu, Marek Lindner
This program is Free Software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

Now checking whether all configure args valid: YES
Current device information:
CPU type is Ingenic XBurst Jz4740
Crystal work at 12MHz, the CCLK up to 252MHz and PMH_CLK up to 84MHz
SDRAM Total size is 32 MB, work in 4 bank and 16 bit mode
Nand page per block 128, Nand page size 4096, ECC offset in OOB 12, bad block offset in OOB 0, bad block page 127, use 1 plane mode
usbboot :> boot
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Already booted.
usbboot :> nerase 0 4096 0 0
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Erasing No.0 device No.0 flash (start_blk 0 blk_num 4096)......
 Finish! Return: 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 (position 4096)
 Force erase, no bad block infomation!
usbboot :> nprog 0 /root/.qi/nanonote/ben/latest/openwrt-xburst-qi_lb60-u-boot.bin 0 0 -n
 Programing No.0 device, flen 617312, start page 0...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Erasing No.0 device No.0 flash (start_blk 0 blk_num 2)......
 Finish! Return: 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 (position 2)
 Force erase, no bad block infomation!
 Size to send 617312, transfer_size 524288
 Image type : without oob
 It will cause 2 times buffer transfer.
 Writing NAND page 0 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 0 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... no check! End at Page: 128
 Writing NAND page 128 len 94208...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 94208 start_page 128 page_num 23)
 Checking 94208 bytes... Comparing 94208 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 151
usbboot :> nprog 1024 /root/.qi/nanonote/ben/latest/openwrt-xburst-qi_lb60-uImage.bin 0 0 -n
 Programing No.0 device, flen 2087718, start page 1024...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Erasing No.0 device No.0 flash (start_blk 8 blk_num 4)......
 Finish! Return: 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 (position 12)
 Force erase, no bad block infomation!
 Size to send 2087718, transfer_size 524288
 Image type : without oob
 It will cause 4 times buffer transfer.
 Writing NAND page 1024 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 1024 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 1152
 Writing NAND page 1152 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 1152 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 1280
 Writing NAND page 1280 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 1280 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 1408
 Writing NAND page 1408 len 516096...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 516096 start_page 1408 page_num 126)
 Checking 516096 bytes... Comparing 516096 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 1534
usbboot :> nprog 2048 /root/.qi/nanonote/ben/latest/openwrt-xburst-qi_lb60-uImage.bin 0 0 -n
 Programing No.0 device, flen 2087718, start page 2048...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Erasing No.0 device No.0 flash (start_blk 16 blk_num 4)......
 Finish! Return: 00 0a 00 00 00 00 00 00 (position 20)
 Force erase, no bad block infomation!
 Size to send 2087718, transfer_size 524288
 Image type : without oob
 It will cause 4 times buffer transfer.
 Writing NAND page 2048 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 2048 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 2176
 Writing NAND page 2176 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 2176 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 2304
 Writing NAND page 2304 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 2304 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 2432
 Writing NAND page 2432 len 516096...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 516096 start_page 2432 page_num 126)
 Checking 516096 bytes... Comparing 516096 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 2558
usbboot :>


usbboot :> nprog 2048 /root/.qi/nanonote/ben/latest/openwrt-xburst-qi_lb60-root.ubi 0 0 -n
 not enough argument.
 Usage: nprog (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
 (1)    start page number
 (2)    image file name
 (3)    device index number
 (4)    flash index number
 (5) image type must be:
        -n:     no oob
        -o:     with oob no ecc
        -e:     with oob and ecc
usbboot :>



# usbboot
usbboot - Ingenic XBurst USB Boot Utility
(c) 2009 Ingenic Semiconductor Inc., Qi Hardware Inc., Xiangfu Liu, Marek Lindner
This program is Free Software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.

Now checking whether all configure args valid: YES
Current device information:
CPU type is Ingenic XBurst Jz4740
Crystal work at 12MHz, the CCLK up to 252MHz and PMH_CLK up to 84MHz
SDRAM Total size is 32 MB, work in 4 bank and 16 bit mode
Nand page per block 128, Nand page size 4096, ECC offset in OOB 12, bad block offset in OOB 0, bad block page 127, use 1 plane mode
usbboot :> boot
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Already booted.
usbboot :> nerase 0 4096 0 0
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Erasing No.0 device No.0 flash (start_blk 0 blk_num 4096)......
 Finish! Return: 00 00 08 00 00 00 00 00 (position 4096)
 Force erase, no bad block infomation!
usbboot :> nprog 0 /root/.qi/nanonote/ben/latest/openwrt-xburst-qi_lb60-u-boot.bin 0 0 -n
 Programing No.0 device, flen 617312, start page 0...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Erasing No.0 device No.0 flash (start_blk 0 blk_num 2)......
 Finish! Return: 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 (position 2)
 Force erase, no bad block infomation!
 Size to send 617312, transfer_size 524288
 Image type : without oob
 It will cause 2 times buffer transfer.
 Writing NAND page 0 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 0 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... no check! End at Page: 128
 Writing NAND page 128 len 94208...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 94208 start_page 128 page_num 23)
 Checking 94208 bytes... Comparing 94208 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 151
usbboot :> nprog 1024 /root/.qi/nanonote/ben/latest/openwrt-xburst-qi_lb60-uImage.bin 0 0 -n
 Programing No.0 device, flen 2087718, start page 1024...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Erasing No.0 device No.0 flash (start_blk 8 blk_num 4)......
 Finish! Return: 00 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 (position 12)
 Force erase, no bad block infomation!
 Size to send 2087718, transfer_size 524288
 Image type : without oob
 It will cause 4 times buffer transfer.
 Writing NAND page 1024 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 1024 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 1152
 Writing NAND page 1152 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 1152 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 1280
 Writing NAND page 1280 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 1280 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 1408
 Writing NAND page 1408 len 516096...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 516096 start_page 1408 page_num 126)
 Checking 516096 bytes... Comparing 516096 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 1534
usbboot :> nprog 2048 /root/.qi/nanonote/ben/latest/openwrt-xburst-qi_lb60-root.ubi 0 0 -n
 not enough argument.
 Usage: nprog (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
 (1)    start page number
 (2)    image file name
 (3)    device index number
 (4)    flash index number
 (5) image type must be:
        -n:     no oob
        -o:     with oob no ecc
        -e:     with oob and ecc
usbboot :>



usbboot :> nprog 2048 openwrt-xburst-qi_lb60-root.ubi 0 0 -n
 Programing No.0 device, flen 423624704, start page 2048...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Erasing No.0 device No.0 flash (start_blk 16 blk_num 808)......
 Finish! Return: 00 9c 01 00 00 00 00 00 (position 824)
 Force erase, no bad block infomation!
 Size to send 423624704, transfer_size 524288
 Image type : without oob
 It will cause 808 times buffer transfer.
 Writing NAND page 2048 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 2048 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 2176
 Writing NAND page 2176 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 2176 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 2304
 Writing NAND page 2304 len 524288...
 Writing NAND page 105216 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 105216 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 105344
 Writing NAND page 105344 len 524288...
 CPU data: Boot4740
 Finish! (len 524288 start_page 105344 page_num 128)
 Checking 524288 bytes... Comparing 524288 bytes - SUCCESS
 End at Page: 105472
usbboot :> exit
 exiting usbboot software









LDAPモジュール or mysqlモジュールを使うようにいろいろシステム変更をする、ということになるのかな



参考: OpenVZ wiki: Updating Debian template

1. OpenVZの仮想ホストを作成

# vzctl create VID番号 --ostemplate テンプレート名

上記のテンプレート名は/var/lib/vz/template/cache/ にあるtar.gzファイルの名前を使用する。


# vzctl create 555 --ostemplate scientific-6-standard_6.0_i386
Creating container private area (scientific-6-standard_6.0_i386)
Performing postcreate actions
Saved parameters for CT 555
Container private area was created

2014/11/27 追記


# vzctl create 555 --ostemplate centos-6-standard_6.0-20121116_i386
Creating container private area (centos-6-standard_6.0-20121116_i386)
Initializing quota ...
Error: Not enough parameters, diskspace quota not set
Creation of container private area failed



(バージョンによってはvzctl createオプションでdiskspaceは指定できても、diskinodesが指定できない

2014/11/27 追記終

2. 仮想ホストにIPアドレスとDNSサーバを指定する

# vzctl set VID番号 --ipadd IPアドレス --nameserver DNSサーバIP --save


# vzctl set 555 --ipadd 192.168.x.x --nameserver 192.168.x.x --save
Saved parameters for CT 555

3. 仮想マシンを稼働させる

# vzctl start 555
Starting container ...
Container is mounted
Adding IP address(es):
Setting CPU units: 1000
File resolv.conf was modified
Container start in progress...

2014/11/27 追記


# vzctl start 555
Error: required UB parameter kmemsize not set
Error: required UB parameter lockedpages not set
Error: required UB parameter privvmpages not set
Error: required UB parameter shmpages not set
Error: required UB parameter numproc not set
Error: required UB parameter physpages not set
Error: required UB parameter vmguarpages not set
Error: required UB parameter oomguarpages not set
Error: required UB parameter numtcpsock not set
Error: required UB parameter numflock not set
Error: required UB parameter numpty not set
Error: required UB parameter numsiginfo not set
Error: required UB parameter tcpsndbuf not set
Error: required UB parameter tcprcvbuf not set
Error: required UB parameter othersockbuf not set
Error: required UB parameter dgramrcvbuf not set
Error: required UB parameter numothersock not set
Error: required UB parameter numfile not set
Error: required UB parameter dcachesize not set
Error: required UB parameter numiptent not set



2014/11/27 追記終

4. 仮想マシンにログインする

# vzctl enter 555
entered into CT 555
[root@ホスト名 /]#

5. yum updateを実施

# yum update
sl                                                       | 3.2 kB     00:00
sl/primary_db                                            | 3.1 MB     00:12
sl-security                                              | 1.9 kB     00:00
sl-security/primary_db                                   | 5.8 MB     00:12
Setting up Update Process
Resolving Dependencies
Transaction Summary
Install       0 Package(s)
Upgrade      32 Package(s)

Total download size: 46 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Downloading Packages:
  tzdata.noarch 0:2011h-3.el6

[root@ns5 /]#

6. 追加したい設定があったらやっとく
・/etc/php.iniに「date.timezone = Asia/Tokyo」の設定を追加
・「ln -s /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Tokyo /etc/localtime」

7. 掃除

# yum clean all
Cleaning up Everything
# echo > /etc/resolv.conf

8. 仮想ホストの停止

# vzctl stop 555
Stopping container ...
Container was stopped
Container is unmounted

9. 仮想ホストからIPアドレス設定を削除

# vzctl set 555 --ipdel all --save
Saved parameters for CT 555

10. 仮想ホストのファイルが展開されている場所に移動

# cd /var/lib/vz/private/555

11. テンプレートとしてtar.gzファイルを作成

#  tar --numeric-owner -czf /var/lib/vz/template/cache/scientific-6-standard_6.0-20111026_i386.tar.gz .




12. 使用した仮想マシンの削除

# vzctl destroy 555
Destroying container private area: /var/lib/vz/private/555
Container private area was destroyed

13. /etc/vz/conf/に残る仮想マシンの設定ファイルを削除

# rm /etc/vz/conf/555.conf.destroyed