

(Endian FirewallのComminity Editionだとうまく構成が作れなかった)


状況としては、「pakfire update problem」と全く同じモノ。

Sep  7 21:15:34 serwer1 pakfire: PAKFIRE INFO: IPFire Pakfire 2.15 started!
Sep  7 21:15:34 serwer1 pakfire: CRYPTO INFO: Checking GnuPG Database
Sep  7 21:15:34 serwer1 pakfire: CRYPTO WARN: The GnuPG isn't configured corectly. Trying now to fix this.
Sep  7 21:15:34 serwer1 pakfire: CRYPTO WARN: It's normal to see this on first execution.
Sep  7 21:17:34 serwer1 pakfire: Sending my uuid: 168d3c61-ae2a-454f-81a1-48a817470c37
Sep  7 21:17:34 serwer1 pakfire: DOWNLOAD STARTED: counter.py?ver=2.15&uuid=168d3c61-ae2a-454f-81a1-48a817470c37
Sep  7 21:17:34 serwer1 pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: Host: pakfire.ipfire.org (HTTP) - File: counter.py?ver=2.15&uuid=168d3c61-ae2a-454f-81a1-48a817470c37
Sep  7 21:17:34 serwer1 pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: HTTP-Status-Code: 200 - 200 OK
Sep  7 21:17:34 serwer1 pakfire: DOWNLOAD STARTED: 2.15/lists/server-list.db
Sep  7 21:17:34 serwer1 pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: Host: pakfire.ipfire.org (HTTP) - File: 2.15/lists/server-list.db
Sep  7 21:17:35 serwer1 pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: 2.15/lists/server-list.db has size of 907 bytes
Sep  7 21:17:35 serwer1 pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: HTTP-Status-Code: 200 - 200 OK
Sep  7 21:17:35 serwer1 pakfire: DOWNLOAD INFO: File received. Start checking signature...
Sep  7 21:17:35 serwer1 pakfire: DOWNLOAD ERROR: The downloaded file (2.15/lists/server-list.db) wasn't verified by IPFire.org. Sorry - Exiting...
Sep  7 21:18:06 serwer1 pakfire: TIME INFO: Time Server has 0.010834 sec offset to localtime.

PakfireのAdditional Note



Pakfire wont update on new install The GnuPG isn’t configured corectly. solved!

「my $command = “gpg –keyserver pgp.ipfire.org –always-trust –status-fd 2”;」
「my $command = “gpg –keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 –always-trust –status-fd 2”;」


ちなみに、上記URLだと、「Core 82で直った」とか書かれてますが、Core82で試して同じ現象でした。

Brocade ICX6610の10Gbps SFP+ポートで10Gbpsが使えない

Brocadeの10Gbpsスイッチ、ICX 6610の設定中に悩んだことの1つ。

ICX 6610は、8個の10Gbps SFP+ポートがついている。

今回は光ファイバケーブルではなく、SFP+ Copper Cableを使って、サーバ・スイッチ間を接続することになっている。
事前に、同じくBrocadeのVDX 6470でテストしており、その環境を、ICX 6610に持ってくる、というだけの話・・・だったんだけど、リンクアップしない。


Port 1/3/5 optics inserted, wait for Phy port initialization...


ICX6610-24 Switch#show interfaces brief

Port    Link    State   Dupl Speed Trunk Tag Pvid Pri MAC            Name
1/3/5   Down    None    None None  None  No  1    0   xxx.xxxx.xxxx
ICX6610-24 Switch#show interfaces ethernet 1/3/5
10GigabitEthernet1/3/5 is down, line protocol is down
  Hardware is 10GigabitEthernet, address is xxxx.xxxx.xxxx (bia xxxx.xxxx.xxxx)
  Interface type is unknown
  Configured speed 1Gbit, actual unknown, configured duplex fdx, actual unknown
  Member of L2 VLAN ID 1, port is untagged, port state is BLOCKING
  BPDU guard is Disabled, ROOT protect is Disabled
  Link Error Dampening is Disabled
  STP configured to ON, priority is level0, mac-learning is enabled
  Flow Control is enabled
  Mirror disabled, Monitor disabled
  Not member of any active trunks
  Not member of any configured trunks
  No port name
  MTU 1500 bytes
  300 second input rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% utilization
  300 second output rate: 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec, 0.00% utilization
  0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer
  Received 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 unicasts
  0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 ignored
  0 runts, 0 giants
  0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns
  Transmitted 0 broadcasts, 0 multicasts, 0 unicasts
  0 output errors, 0 collisions
  Relay Agent Information option: Disabled

Egress queues:
Queue counters    Queued packets    Dropped Packets
    0                   0                   0
    1                   0                   0
    2                   0                   0
    3                   0                   0
    4                   0                   0
    5                   0                   0
    6                   0                   0
    7                   0                   0
ICX6610-24 Switch#



ICX6610-24 Switch#configure terminal
ICX6610-24 Switch(config)#interface ethernet 1/3/5
ICX6610-24 Switch(config-if-e10000-1/3/5)#speed-duplex
  10-full            10M, full duplex
  10-half            10M, half duplex
  100-full           100M, full duplex
  100-half           100M, half duplex
  1000-full-master   1G, full duplex, master
  1000-full-slave    1G, full duplex, slave
  10g-full           10G, full duplex
  auto               Autonegotiation
ICX6610-24 Switch(config-if-e10000-1/3/5)#


ICX6610-24 Switch(config-if-e10000-1/3/5)#speed-duplex 10g-full
ICX6610-24 Switch(config-if-e10000-1/3/5)#


ICX6610-24 Switch(config-if-e10000-1/3/5)#show interfaces brief
Port    Link    State   Dupl Speed Trunk Tag Pvid Pri MAC            Name
1/3/5   Up      Forward Full 10G   None  No  1    0   xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
ICX6610-24 Switch(config-if-e10000-1/3/5)#show interfaces ethernet 1/3/5
10GigabitEthernet1/3/5 is up, line protocol is up
  Hardware is 10GigabitEthernet, address is xxxx.xxxx.xxxx (bia xxxx.xxxx.xxxx)
  Interface type is unknown
  Configured speed 10Gbit, actual 10Gbit, configured duplex fdx, actual fdx
  Member of L2 VLAN ID 1, port is untagged, port state is FORWARDING
  BPDU guard is Disabled, ROOT protect is Disabled
  Link Error Dampening is Disabled
  STP configured to ON, priority is level0, mac-learning is enabled
  Flow Control is enabled
  Mirror disabled, Monitor disabled
  Not member of any active trunks
  Not member of any configured trunks
  No port name
  MTU 10240 bytes
  300 second input rate: 8496 bits/sec, 12 packets/sec, 0.00% utilization
  300 second output rate: 2176 bits/sec, 3 packets/sec, 0.00% utilization
  248 packets input, 21760 bytes, 0 no buffer
  Received 87 broadcasts, 161 multicasts, 0 unicasts
  0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 ignored
  0 runts, 0 giants
  154 packets output, 11128 bytes, 0 underruns
  Transmitted 138 broadcasts, 16 multicasts, 0 unicasts
  0 output errors, 0 collisions
  Relay Agent Information option: Disabled

Egress queues:
Queue counters    Queued packets    Dropped Packets
    0                 145                   0
    1                   0                   0
    2                   0                   0
    3                   0                   0
    4                   0                   0
    5                   0                   0
    6                   0                   0
    7                   9                   0
ICX6610-24 Switch(config-if-e10000-1/3/5)#

FastIron Ethernet Switch Software Licensing Guide Configuring PoD on an interface

10Gbpsアップグレードオプションを適用しても、ICX 6610とICX 6450では、自動的に10Gbpsを使えるようにはなりません。


なお、この件に関するshow running-configは以下のようになります。

interface ethernet 1/3/1
 speed-duplex 10G-full
interface ethernet 1/3/2
 speed-duplex 10G-full
interface ethernet 1/3/3
 speed-duplex 10G-full
interface ethernet 1/3/4
 speed-duplex 10G-full
interface ethernet 1/3/5
 speed-duplex 10G-full
interface ethernet 1/3/6
 speed-duplex 10G-full
interface ethernet 1/3/7
 speed-duplex 10G-full
interface ethernet 1/3/8
 speed-duplex 10G-full

RouterBoard RB250GSと新製品RB260GS




・ネットワークチップが「Atheros AR8316」から「Atheros AR8327」に切り替わったこと。

スペックを比較する限りでは、Atheros AR8316の製造中止が原因でモデルチェンジ、という感じです。

CPU: Taifatech社TF470
RISC TF-390コア 50MHz

ネットワーク: QUALCOMM社のAtheros AR8327

ベースはLinux 2.6で、そこにルータやスイッチとして使いやすい様にGUIおよびCLIを搭載しているというものです。

スイッチモデルのRB260GSが$39.95、ルータモデルのRB750GL(CPU 400MHz)が$59.95、無線AP付きのRB951G-2HnD(CPU 600MHz)が$79,95、という値段をどう考えるかというところ。


WOLFS TECH BLOG:OpenWRT on Mikrotik Routerboard 411/750
