
ハムフェアいったらTP-linkのPLCアダプタ TL-PA4010KITが未開封1000円で売られていた。







ルータ直下にOrange Pi PC2を置いて、そこでiperf3のサーバを起動し、Windowsパソコン上からiperf3クライアントを実行して速度を測定してみた。

・・・ちなみに昔だったらnetperfを使うところなんですが、いまはwindows用のnetperfバイナリが手に入らないので、Download iPerf for Windowsにてダウンロードします。







ちなみに、同じパソコンを使って、 WXR-1750DHP 802.11a/20MHz 288.9Mbps接続 のWiFi環境で計測してみたらこんな感じでした。



PLC タップ21.1Mb/s21.0Mb/s
PLC 壁コンセント35.2Mb/s35.2Mb/s
PLC ルータ側改善40.4Mb/s40.4Mb/s


ちなみに、こいつ、firmwareを書き換えるとHomePlug AV2という上位規格にも対応するという話が・・・

ESX 6.0でストレージアクセス関連の調査を行った際に使ったesxcliコマンドメモ

esxcli storage core device list


[root@esxi10:~] esxcli storage core device list
   Display Name: Nimble iSCSI Disk (eui.9fa59185cb34c2ab6c9ce9003faf076a)
   Has Settable Display Name: true
   Size: 5242880
   Device Type: Direct-Access
   Multipath Plugin: NMP
   Devfs Path: /vmfs/devices/disks/eui.9fa59185cb34c2ab6c9ce9003faf076a
   Vendor: Nimble
   Model: Server
   Revision: 1.0
   SCSI Level: 5
   Is Pseudo: false
   Status: on
   Is RDM Capable: true
   Is Local: false
   Is Removable: false
   Is SSD: false
   Is VVOL PE: false
   Is Offline: false
   Is Perennially Reserved: false
   Queue Full Sample Size: 0
   Queue Full Threshold: 0
   Thin Provisioning Status: yes
   Attached Filters:
   VAAI Status: supported
   Other UIDs: vml.01000000003966613539313835636233346332616236633963653930303366616630373661536572766572
   Is Shared Clusterwide: true
   Is Local SAS Device: false
   Is SAS: false
   Is USB: false
   Is Boot USB Device: false
   Is Boot Device: false
   Device Max Queue Depth: 128
   No of outstanding IOs with competing worlds: 32
   Drive Type: unknown
   RAID Level: unknown
   Number of Physical Drives: unknown
   Protection Enabled: false
   PI Activated: false
   PI Type: 0
   PI Protection Mask: NO PROTECTION
   Supported Guard Types: NO GUARD SUPPORT
   DIX Enabled: false
   Emulated DIX/DIF Enabled: false


個別で見る場合は「esxcli storage core device list -d ストレージ指定」

[root@esxi10:~] esxcli storage core device list -d eui.9fa59185cb34c2ab6c9ce9003faf076a
   Display Name: Nimble iSCSI Disk (eui.9fa59185cb34c2ab6c9ce9003faf076a)
   Has Settable Display Name: true
   Size: 5242880
   Device Type: Direct-Access
   Multipath Plugin: NMP
   Devfs Path: /vmfs/devices/disks/eui.9fa59185cb34c2ab6c9ce9003faf076a
   Vendor: Nimble
   Model: Server
   Revision: 1.0
   SCSI Level: 5
   Is Pseudo: false
   Status: on
   Is RDM Capable: true
   Is Local: false
   Is Removable: false
   Is SSD: false
   Is VVOL PE: false
   Is Offline: false
   Is Perennially Reserved: false
   Queue Full Sample Size: 0
   Queue Full Threshold: 0
   Thin Provisioning Status: yes
   Attached Filters:
   VAAI Status: supported
   Other UIDs: vml.01000000003966613539313835636233346332616236633963653930303366616630373661536572766572
   Is Shared Clusterwide: true
   Is Local SAS Device: false
   Is SAS: false
   Is USB: false
   Is Boot USB Device: false
   Is Boot Device: false
   Device Max Queue Depth: 128
   No of outstanding IOs with competing worlds: 32
   Drive Type: unknown
   RAID Level: unknown
   Number of Physical Drives: unknown
   Protection Enabled: false
   PI Activated: false
   PI Type: 0
   PI Protection Mask: NO PROTECTION
   Supported Guard Types: NO GUARD SUPPORT
   DIX Enabled: false
   Emulated DIX/DIF Enabled: false


esxcli storage filesystem list

[root@esxi10:~] esxcli storage  filesystem list
Mount Point                                           Volume Name                   UUID                                    Mounted  Type             Size           Free
----------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------  --------------------------------------  -------  ------  -------------  -------------
/vmfs/volumes/5bbc594e-3e173ecc-b3e7-90b11c536183     esxstore-vsphere10            5bbc594e-3e173ecc-b3e7-90b11c536183        true  VMFS-5  5497289703424  2186855579648
/vmfs/volumes/b49358e5-23dc34a5-1c9f-5af965bf7cb0                                   b49358e5-23dc34a5-1c9f-5af965bf7cb0        true  vfat        261853184       79454208
/vmfs/volumes/4aed47ef-d4e7ee55-f394-88684bc4443c                                   4aed47ef-d4e7ee55-f394-88684bc4443c        true  vfat        261853184       79417344
/vmfs/volumes/5d47ebcd-a4552bf1-c3e2-90b11c536183                                   5d47ebcd-a4552bf1-c3e2-90b11c536183        true  vfat        299712512       84172800


「esxcli storage vmfs host list –volume-label 名前」

[root@esxi10:~] esxcli storage vmfs host list --volume-label esxstore-vsphere10
Heartbeat UUID                       MAC Address        Driver Version  Heartbeat Offset  Locking Mode  Status
-----------------------------------  -----------------  --------------  ----------------  ------------  ------
5d6c6d91-51b61938-424a-90b11c536183  90:b1:1c:53:61:83  5.61                     3178496  ATS-only      Normal


現在の値確認は「esxcli storage core device list -d ストレージ指定」で行う。

「Device Max Queue Depth」を「128」に設定する

[root@esxi10:~]esxcli storage core device set -d eui.9fa59185cb34c2ab6c9ce9003faf076a -m 128

「No of outstanding IOs with competing worlds」を「32」に設定する

[root@esxi10:~]esxcli storage core device set -d eui.9fa59185cb34c2ab6c9ce9003faf076a -O 32


esxcli storage core path list

[root@esxi10:~] esxcli storage core path list,,t,2460-eui.9fa59185cb34c2ab6c9ce9003faf076a
   Runtime Name: vmhba38:C0:T1:L0
   Device: eui.9fa59185cb34c2ab6c9ce9003faf076a
   Device Display Name: Nimble iSCSI Disk (eui.9fa59185cb34c2ab6c9ce9003faf076a)
   Adapter: vmhba38
   Channel: 0
   Target: 1
   LUN: 0
   Plugin: NMP
   State: active
   Transport: iscsi
   Adapter Identifier:
   Target Identifier: 00023d000001,,t,2460
   Adapter Transport Details:
   Target Transport Details: Alias= Session=00023d000001 PortalTag=2460
   Maximum IO Size: 131072


「esxcli storage nmp device list」

[root@esxi10:~] esxcli storage nmp device list
   Device Display Name: Nimble iSCSI Disk (eui.9fa59185cb34c2ab6c9ce9003faf076a)
   Storage Array Type: VMW_SATP_ALUA
   Storage Array Type Device Config: {implicit_support=on;explicit_support=off; explicit_allow=on;alua_followover=on; action_OnRetryErrors=off; {TPG_id=0,TPG_state=AO}}
   Path Selection Policy: VMW_PSP_MRU
   Path Selection Policy Device Config: Current Path=vmhba38:C0:T1:L0
   Path Selection Policy Device Custom Config:
   Working Paths: vmhba38:C0:T1:L0
   Is USB: false


[root@esxi10:~] esxcli storage nmp psp list
Name           Description
-------------  ---------------------------------
VMW_PSP_MRU    Most Recently Used Path Selection
VMW_PSP_RR     Round Robin Path Selection
VMW_PSP_FIXED  Fixed Path Selection


[root@esxi10:~] esxcli storage nmp satp list
Name                 Default PSP    Description
-------------------  -------------  -------------------------------------------------------
VMW_SATP_ALUA        VMW_PSP_MRU    Supports non-specific arrays that use the ALUA protocol
VMW_SATP_MSA         VMW_PSP_MRU    Placeholder (plugin not loaded)
VMW_SATP_DEFAULT_AP  VMW_PSP_MRU    Placeholder (plugin not loaded)
VMW_SATP_SVC         VMW_PSP_FIXED  Placeholder (plugin not loaded)
VMW_SATP_EQL         VMW_PSP_FIXED  Placeholder (plugin not loaded)
VMW_SATP_INV         VMW_PSP_FIXED  Placeholder (plugin not loaded)
VMW_SATP_EVA         VMW_PSP_FIXED  Placeholder (plugin not loaded)
VMW_SATP_ALUA_CX     VMW_PSP_RR     Placeholder (plugin not loaded)
VMW_SATP_SYMM        VMW_PSP_RR     Placeholder (plugin not loaded)
VMW_SATP_CX          VMW_PSP_MRU    Placeholder (plugin not loaded)
VMW_SATP_LSI         VMW_PSP_MRU    Placeholder (plugin not loaded)
VMW_SATP_DEFAULT_AA  VMW_PSP_FIXED  Supports non-specific active/active arrays
VMW_SATP_LOCAL       VMW_PSP_FIXED  Supports direct attached devices


[root@esxi10:~] esxcli storage nmp device set --psp=VMW_PSP_RR --device=eui.9fa59185cb34c2ab6c9ce9003faf076a


[root@esxi10:~] esxcli storage nmp device list -d eui.9fa59185cb34c2ab6c9ce9003faf076a
   Device Display Name: Nimble iSCSI Disk (eui.9fa59185cb34c2ab6c9ce9003faf076a)
   Storage Array Type: VMW_SATP_ALUA
   Storage Array Type Device Config: {implicit_support=on;explicit_support=off; explicit_allow=on;alua_followover=on; action_OnRetryErrors=off; {TPG_id=0,TPG_state=AO}}
   Path Selection Policy: VMW_PSP_RR
   Path Selection Policy Device Config: {policy=rr,iops=1000,bytes=10485760,useANO=0; lastPathIndex=1: NumIOsPending=0,numBytesPending=0}
   Path Selection Policy Device Custom Config:
   Working Paths: vmhba38:C3:T1:L0, vmhba38:C0:T1:L0
   Is USB: false



[root@esxi10:~] esxcli software vib list|grep qla
ima-qla4xxx                    2.02.18-1vmw.600.0.0.2494585           VMware  VMwareCertified   2019-08-05
scsi-qla4xxx                  VMware  VMwareCertified   2019-08-05


「esxcli system module parameters list -m モジュール名」

[root@esxi10:~] esxcli system module parameters list -m qlnativefc
Name                        Type  Value  Description
--------------------------  ----  -----  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ql2name                     int          Option to have different node and port name for ISP82xxpass value based on the port used on the FCoE switch.
ql2xallocfwdump             int          Option to enable allocation of memory for a firmware dump during HBA initialization.  Memory allocation requirements vary by ISP type.  Default is 1 - allocate memory.
ql2xattemptdumponpanic      int          Attempt fw dump for each function on PSOD Default is 0 - Don't attempt fw dump.
ql2xbypass_log_throttle     int          Option to bypass log throttling.Default is 0 - Throttling enabled. 1 - Log all errors.
ql2xcmdtimeout              int          Timeout value in seconds for scsi command, default is 20
ql2xcmdtimermin             int          Minimum command timeout value. Default is 30 seconds.
ql2xdbwr                    int          Option to specify scheme for request queue posting. 0 -- Regular doorbell. 1 -- (Default) CAMRAM doorbell (faster).
ql2xdevdiscgoldfw           int          Option to enable device discovery with golden firmware Default is 0 - no discovery. 1 - discover device.
ql2xdisablenpiv             int          Option to disable/enable NPIV feature globally.        1 - NPIV disabled. Default is 0 - NPIV enabled.
ql2xdontresethba            int          1: Do not reset on failure, 0: Reset on failure, default is 0
ql2xdontresethba_83xx       int          1: Do not reset on failure, 0: Reset on failure, default is 0
ql2xenablehba_err_chk       int           Enable T10-CRC-DIF Error isolation by HBA:
 Default is 2.
  0 -- Error isolation disabled
  1 -- Error isolation enabled only for DIX Type 0
  2 -- Error isolation enabled for all Types
ql2xenablemd                int          82XX/8044: Option to enable/disable the minidump capture capability.     0 - disable minidump capture          1 - (Default) enable minidump capture
ql2xenablemsi2422           int          Enables MSI interrupt scheme on 2422sDefault is 0 - disable MSI-X/MSI. 1 - enable MSI-X/MSI.
ql2xenablemsi24xx           int          Enables MSIx/MSI interrupt scheme on 24xx cardsDefault is 1 - enable MSI-X/MSI. 0 - disable MSI-X/MSI.
ql2xenablemsix              int          Set to enable MSI or MSI-X interrupt mechanism. 0 = enable traditional pin-based interrupt mechanism. 1 = enable MSI-X interrupt mechanism (Default). 2 = enable MSI interrupt mechanism.
ql2xenablesmartsan          int          Enable HP Smart SAN management feature.Default is 1.
 0 - Disable the Smart SAN feature.  1 - Enable the Smart SAN feature.
ql2xexecution_throttle      int          IOCB exchange count for HBA.Default is 0, set intended value to override Firmware defaults.
ql2xextended_error_logging  int          Option to enable extended error logging, Default is 0 - no logging. 1 - log errors.
ql2xfabricpriorityqos       int           Option to set QoS mode
 Default is 2.
 0 - Fabric Priority QoS is disabled
 1 - Queue-based Fabric Priority QoS enabled.
 2 - IOCB-based Fabric Priority QoS enabled.
ql2xfdmienable              int          Enables FDMI registratons Default is 1 - perfom FDMI. 0 - no FDMI.
ql2xfwloadbin               int          Option to specify location from which to load ISP firmware: 2 -- load firmware via the requestFirmware() (hotplug)      interface. 1 -- load firmware from flash. 0 -- use default semantics.
ql2xiidmaenable             int          Enables iIDMA settings Default is 1 - perform iIDMA. 0 - no iIDMA.
ql2xintrdelaytimer          int          ZIO: Waiting time for Firmware before it generates an interrupt to the host to notify completion of request.
ql2xioctltimeout            int          IOCTL timeout value in seconds for pass-thur commands. Default is 66 seconds.
ql2xioctltimertest          int          IOCTL timer test enable - set to enable ioctlcommand timeout value to trigger before fw cmdtimeout value. Default is disabled
ql2xloadfwbin               int          Option to Load Firmware from the flash/driver source for qla82xx Default is 1, 0 = load firmware bundled with driver source 1 = load from Flash
ql2xloginretrycount         int          Specify an alternate value for the NVRAM login retry count.
ql2xlogintimeout            int          Login timeout value in seconds.
ql2xmaxlun                  int          Defines the maximum LUNs to register with the SCSI midlayer.    Default is 256. Maximum allowed is 65535.
ql2xmaxqdepth               int          Maximum queue depth to report for target devices.
ql2xmaxsgs                  int          Maximum scatter/gather entries per request,Default is the Max the OS Supports.
ql2xmdcapmask               int          82XX/8044: Option to set the driver capture mask for f/w minidump as follows:          0x00 - use f/w recommended capture mask         0x03 - capture mask 0x3         0x0F - capture mask 0x0F      0x1F - (Default) capture mask 0x1F      0x7F - capture mask 0x7F
ql2xmqcpuaffinity           int          Enables CPU affinity settings for the driver Default is 1 to turn on the cpu affinity.Set to 0 for no affinity of request and response IO.
ql2xmqqos                   int          Enables QoS settings Default is 1. Set it to enable            queues in MQ QoS mode.
ql2xoperationmode           int          Option to disable ZIO mode for ISP24XX:   Default is 1, set 0 to disable
ql2xplogiabsentdevice       int          Option to enable PLOGI to devices that are not present after a Fabric scan.  This is needed for several broken switches. Default is 0 - no PLOGI. 1 - perfom PLOGI.
ql2xshiftctondsd            int          Set to control shifting of command type processing based on total number of DSD.
ql2xt10difvendor            int           Vendor unique T10 DIF support.  Default is enabled.
 0 -- Disabled.
 1 -- Enabled.
ql2xt10enable               int           Enable T10-CRC-DIF  Default is 1 - DIF Support Enabled. 0 - Disable it
ql2xt10guard                int           Adapter guard type supported  Default is CRC checksumming and IP checksumming.
ql2xt10protmask             int           Adapter protection mask  Default is 0x55 - T10 PI Type 1/3, DIX Type 1/3 protection.
ql2xusedefmaxrdreq          int          Default is 0 - adjust PCIe Maximum Read Request Size. 1 - use system default.
ql2xuseshadowregisters      int           For ISP27XX/ISP28XX : Option to use shadow register for request/response queues :
 Default is 0.
  0 -- Don't use shadow registers for the request/response queue manipulation
  1 -- Use shadow registers for the request/response queue manipulation
ql2xvmidexpiration          int           Expiration time for VMID in minutes. 0 is no expiration. Default is 240 minutes (4 hours) with no I/O leads to de-registration.
ql2xvmidsupport             int           Enable VMID support in driver.  Default is disabled.
 0 -- Disabled.
 1 -- Enabled.
ql2xvmidtgtind              int           Ignore target settings for QoS VMID.  Default is disabled.
 0 -- Disabled.
 1 -- Enabled.
qlport_down_retry           int          Maximum number of command retries to a port that returns a PORT-DOWN status.

「esxcfg-module –show-info モジュール名」

[root@esxi10:~] esxcfg-module --show-info qlnativefc
esxcfg-module module information
 input file: /usr/lib/vmware/vmkmod/qlnativefc
 License: BSD
Cannot access module instance.


[root@esxi10:~] esxcfg-module --get-options qlnativefc
qlnativefc enabled = 1 options = ''








SH-04Hの急速充電はQuick Chargeという仕組みを使って行われていますが、これはmicroUSB端子の「Vbus」「GND」と「D+」「D-」の4つの端子を使い5Vで0.5Aを超える充電や9Vでの充電を行うようになっています。

それに対して低速充電と表示される通常USB充電は「Vbus」と「GND」を使い5V 0.5A以内で充電を行います。



samba 4.10.x環境で出てたsamba_dnsupdateのエラー対処

samba 4.10.7へアップデートしたあと、「systemctl status samba-ad-dc.service」で出力されるログを見てみたら、微妙な感じのエラーがあった。

 8月 29 08:54:02 adserver samba[107156]: [2019/08/29 08:54:02.287210,  0] ../../lib/util/util_runcmd.c:327(samba_runcmd_io_handler)
 8月 29 08:54:02 adserver samba[107156]:   /usr/local/samba/sbin/samba_dnsupdate: ImportError: No module named dns.resolver
 8月 29 08:54:02 adserver samba[107156]: [2019/08/29 08:54:02.295161,  0] ../../source4/dsdb/dns/dns_update.c:331(dnsupdate_nameupdate_done)
 8月 29 08:54:02 adserver samba[107156]:   dnsupdate_nameupdate_done: Failed DNS update with exit code 1
 8月 29 08:54:03 adserver winbindd[107159]: [2019/08/29 08:54:03.430795,  0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd_cache.c:3166(initialize_winbindd_cache)
 8月 29 08:54:03 adserver winbindd[107159]:   initialize_winbindd_cache: clearing cache and re-creating with version number 2
 8月 29 08:54:03 adserver smbd[107151]: [2019/08/29 08:54:03.438943,  0] ../../lib/util/become_daemon.c:136(daemon_ready)
 8月 29 08:54:03 adserver smbd[107151]:   daemon_ready: daemon 'smbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
 8月 29 08:54:03 adserver winbindd[107159]: [2019/08/29 08:54:03.454411,  0] ../../lib/util/become_daemon.c:136(daemon_ready)
 8月 29 08:54:03 adserver winbindd[107159]:   daemon_ready: daemon 'winbindd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections

「samba_dnsupdate: ImportError: No module named dns.resolver」の対応


[root@adserver ~]# samba_dnsupdate --verbose
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/samba/sbin/samba_dnsupdate", line 57, in <module>
    import dns.resolver
ImportError: No module named dns.resolver
[root@adserver ~]#

原因はpythonのDNS toolkitがインストールされていないこと。

CentOS7環境で対処するには「yum search dnspython」を実行してモジュール名を確認

[root@adserver ~]# yum search dnspython
Determining fastest mirrors
 * base:
 * epel:
 * extras:
 * updates:
=============================== 一致: dnspython ================================
python-dns.noarch : DNS toolkit for Python
python36-dns.noarch : DNS toolkit for Python 3
[root@adserver ~]#

今回使っている環境はpython 2環境なので、「yum install python-dns」でインストール。

[root@adserver ~]# yum install python-dns.noarch
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
epel/x86_64/metalink                                     | 7.3 kB     00:00
 * base:
 * epel:
 * extras:
 * updates:
base                                                     | 3.6 kB     00:00
epel                                                     | 5.4 kB     00:00
extras                                                   | 3.4 kB     00:00
packages-microsoft-com-prod                              | 2.9 kB     00:00
updates                                                  | 3.4 kB     00:00
(1/3): epel/x86_64/updateinfo                              | 998 kB   00:02
(2/3): packages-microsoft-com-prod/primary_db              | 200 kB   00:00
(3/3): epel/x86_64/primary_db                              | 6.8 MB   00:03
--> トランザクションの確認を実行しています。
---> パッケージ python-dns.noarch 0:1.12.0-4.20150617git465785f.el7 を インスト ール
--> 依存性解決を終了しました。


 Package        アーキテクチャー
                           バージョン                            リポジトリー
 python-dns     noarch     1.12.0-4.20150617git465785f.el7       base     233 k

インストール  1 パッケージ

総ダウンロード容量: 233 k
インストール容量: 1.0 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
python-dns-1.12.0-4.20150617git465785f.el7.noarch.rpm      | 233 kB   00:00
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
  インストール中          :   1/1
  検証中                  :   1/1

  python-dns.noarch 0:1.12.0-4.20150617git465785f.el7

[root@adserver ~]#


[root@adserver ~]# samba_dnsupdate --verbose
IPs: ['']
Looking for DNS entry A adserver.adosakana.local as adserver.adosakana.local.
Looking for DNS entry NS adosakana.local adserver.adosakana.local as adosakana.local
Checking 0 100 389 adserver.adosakana.local. against SRV _ldap._tcp.Default-First-Site-Name._sites.ForestDnsZones.adosakana.local adserver.adosakana.local 389
No DNS updates needed
[root@adserver ~]#



 8月 29 09:06:46 adserver samba[107294]: [2019/08/29 09:06:46.991243,  0] ../../source4/smbd/server.c:773(binary_smbd_main)
 8月 29 09:06:46 adserver samba[107294]:   binary_smbd_main: samba: using 'standard' process model
 8月 29 09:06:47 adserver samba[107294]: [2019/08/29 09:06:47.021548,  0] ../../lib/util/become_daemon.c:136(daemon_ready)
 8月 29 09:06:47 adserver samba[107294]:   daemon_ready: daemon 'samba' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
 8月 29 09:06:49 adserver winbindd[107312]: [2019/08/29 09:06:49.157089,  0] ../../source3/winbindd/winbindd_cache.c:3166(initialize_winbindd_cache)
 8月 29 09:06:49 adserver winbindd[107312]:   initialize_winbindd_cache: clearing cache and re-creating with version number 2
 8月 29 09:06:49 adserver winbindd[107312]: [2019/08/29 09:06:49.266323,  0] ../../lib/util/become_daemon.c:136(daemon_ready)
 8月 29 09:06:49 adserver winbindd[107312]:   daemon_ready: daemon 'winbindd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections
 8月 29 09:06:50 adserver smbd[107311]: [2019/08/29 09:06:50.436561,  0] ../../lib/util/become_daemon.c:136(daemon_ready)
 8月 29 09:06:50 adserver smbd[107311]:   daemon_ready: daemon 'smbd' finished starting up and ready to serve connections


公衆無線LANサービスで使えるアクセスポイントのメモ 2019/08/28版

過去に「公衆無線LAN ワイヤレスゲートとWi2の比較(2014/10/01改訂)」という記事を書いたが、いまもアクセスがあったりするので内容更新。





・Fonエリア 『FON_FREE_INTERNET』/『Fon WiFi』

Wi2 300 公衆無線LAN



・ベーシックエリア 『Wi2』/『Wi2_club』 『』
・オプションエリア(追加料金) 『Wi2premium』/ 『Wi2premium_club』
・BBモバイルポイント 『mobilepoint』/『mobilepoint1』/『mobilepoint2』




・『Wi2』/『Wi2_club』 /『Wi2_free』


UQ Wi-Fi

UQ WiMax利用ユーザのみ無料で使用できる。単体契約は無い。






以前あった「eoモバイルWi-Fiスポット」は2016/03/31に終了 「「eoモバイルWi-Fiスポット」および「BBモバイルポイント for eo」のサービス提供終了について