

しかし、探すと、NetBackup 6.0時代の非公式手順なるものが発見出来る。

Change Name of Master Serve」消えそうなので下記に内容を転記しておく。

Renaming a Master Server under NetBackup 6.0 requires making some updates to the EMM database and
EMM configration files as well as the changes to configuration files and registry entries required for earlier
versions of NetBackup. The steps involved are:

1. Shut down NetBackup on the Master Server.
2. Change the various entries for the Master Server and EMM server in bp.conf and vm.conf (or the
registry on a Windows server).
3. Change the value of VXDBMS_NB_SERVER in the vxdbms.conf file (located in
/usr/openv/db/data on UNIX and <install path>\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\data on Windows) to
reflect the name of the new Master Server.
4. Change the corresponding value found the server.conf file (located in /usr/openv/var/global on
UNIX and <install path>\VERITAS\NetBackupDB\conf on Windows)
5. Rename the server and restart it.
6. Re-start NetBackup
7. Run nbemmcmd –renamehost –machinename <old master> -newmachinename <new master> –
machinetype master
8. Re-start NetBackup again
9. Run the command nbemmcmd –listhosts –verbose on the Master Server to confirm that the
entries for ‘server’ and ‘master’ reflect the new Master Server name.
10. Run nbemmcmd –setemmserver –emmserver <old master> -newemmserver <new master> on
each media server
11. Update the entries for the master server in bp.conf and vm.conf (or the registry on a Windows
server) on each media server
12. Update the entries for the master server in bp.conf (or the registry on a Windows server) on each
client server
Note: The process described here cannot be used to change a non-clustered Master Server to a
clustered Master Server. This change involves a separate procedure covered in the document
NBU_non-cluster-to-cluster guide which can be found in the data protection operational documents
area of the CoE web site.
Note: Due to limitations in the nbemmcmd –rename command this process cannot be used to
rename clusters on versions below 6.0 MP6, if the Master Server is clustered we recommend moving
to another cluster rather than renaming the existing cluster.

で、この手順は「NetBackup 6.0MP6」では動いたものの、現代はどうなのか試してみた。


・NetBackup 7.xは上記+1ファイル修正で変更可能だった
・NetBackup 8.0,8.1はSSL証明書に記載されたホスト名の変更手順がわからないので不可
・NetBackup 7.xでもRBACを利用しているとSSL証明書が含まれるため失敗した


とりあえず、「NetBackup 7.6まで実験済みのマスタサーバホスト名変更手順」は以下です。
ちなみにホスト名変更後、NetBackup 8.1にアップデートを行っています。

2019/08/26追記 「/usr/openv/db/data/」の書き換えを追加

(1) NetBackupサービスを停止する。

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp.kill_all -v -f
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -x

(2) /usr/openv/netbackup/bp.conf の書き換え


(3) /usr/openv/volmgr/vm.conf の書き換え


(4) /usr/openv/db/data/vxdbms.conf の書き換え


(5) /usr/openv/var/global/server.conf の書き換え


(6) /usr/openv/db/bin/servername の書き換え


(追加) /usr/openv/db/data/ の書き換え


(7) /etc/hosts の編集


(8) OSホスト名変更


(9) NetBackup自動起動を停止


# chkconfig netbackup off

(10) OS再起動

# reboot

(11) NetBackupが起動していないことを確認

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -x

(12) NetBackup起動

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp.start_all
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -x

(13) 現状のNetBackup EMMの登録確認

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbemmcmd -listhosts -verbose

(14) EMMの登録修正と確認

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbemmcmd -renamehost -machinename 古いホスト名 -newmachinename 新しいホスト名 -machinetype master
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/nbemmcmd -listhosts -verbose

(15) NetBackupの再起動

# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp.kill_all
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -x
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp.start_all
# /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpps -x

(16) NetBackupの自動起動設定を復旧させる


# chkconfig netbackup on



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