Nimble Storageにsshでログインしてみた

Nimble Storageにsshでログインしてみた。

# ssh admin@IPアドレス
/ $ su
bash: su: command not found
/ $



/ $ ls -al
drwxr-xr-x   13 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:24 .
drwxr-xr-x   13 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:24 ..
drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:24 bin
drwxr-xr-x    3 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:24 dev
drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:23 diags
drwxr-xr-x    5 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:24 etc
drwxr-xr-x    3 0        0            4096 Jan  4 11:11 home
drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:24 lib64
drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:23 mnt
drwxr-xr-x    3 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:19 nimble
drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:23 sbin
drwxr-xr-x    6 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:23 usr
drwxr-xr-x    3 0        0            4096 Jan  4 11:08 var
/ $ df
bash: df: command not found
/ $ cat /proc/mounts
cat: can't open '/proc/mounts': No such file or directory
/ $



/ $ ls -al /etc
drwxr-xr-x    5 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:24 .
drwxr-xr-x   13 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:24 ..
drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:23 acpi
drwxr-xr-x    3 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:23 diag
lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0              14 Nov  8 04:24 group -> /var/etc/group
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0              48 Aug 16  2012 hosts
lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0              18 Nov  8 04:24 localtime -> /var/etc/localtime
drwxr-xr-x    2 0        0            1024 Nov  8 04:23 nimpart
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0              56 Aug 16  2012 nsswitch.conf
lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0              15 Nov  8 04:24 passwd -> /var/etc/passwd
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0             291 Aug 16  2012 profile
lrwxrwxrwx    1 0        0              20 Nov  8 04:24 resolv.conf -> /var/etc/resolv.conf
/ $ ls -l /var/etc
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0              14 Jan  4 11:08 group
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0             331 Jan 29 16:25 localtime
-rw-r--r--    1 0        0              44 Jan  4 11:08 passwd
-rw-rw-rw-    1 0        0              42 Jan 29 16:26 resolv.conf
/ $



/ $ cat /etc/passwd
admin:x:1000:1000:CLI user:/home:/bin/clish
/ $ cat /etc/group
/ $



/ $ ls /bin
ash       dd        getopt    man       pwd       stat      vi
bash      echo      grep      mkdir     rm        stty      watch
cat       ed        hostname  mktemp    rmdir     sync      zcat
chmod     egrep     ln        more      sed       touch
cp        false     ls        mv        sh        true
cut       fgrep     lsattr    printenv  sleep     usleep
/ $ ls /sbin
arp      busybox
/ $ ls /usr/bin
[           du          id          readlink    tail        uptime
[[          env         install     realpath    tee         wc
awk         expand      length      reset       telnet      wget
basename    expr        less        resize      test        which
cksum       find        md5sum      script      tftp        whoami
clear       fold        mkfifo      seq         time        xargs
cmp         ftpget      nohup       sha1sum     tr          yes
comm        ftpput      nslookup    sort        traceroute
dc          hd          od          split       ttysize
diff        head        patch       strings     unexpand
dirname     hexdump     ping        sum         uniq
dos2unix    hostid      printf      tac         unix2dos
/ $ ls /usr/sbin
/ $


/ $ busybox
BusyBox v1.13.0 (2013-11-07 11:23:31 PST) multi-call binary
Copyright (C) 1998-2008 Erik Andersen, Rob Landley, Denys Vlasenko
and others. Licensed under GPLv2.
See source distribution for full notice.

Usage: busybox [function] [arguments]...
   or: function [arguments]...

        BusyBox is a multi-call binary that combines many common Unix
        utilities into a single executable.  Most people will create a
        link to busybox for each function they wish to use and BusyBox
        will act like whatever it was invoked as!

Currently defined functions:
        [, [[, arp, ash, awk, basename, cat, chmod, cksum, clear, cmp, comm,
        cp, dc, dd, diff, dirname, dos2unix, du, echo, ed, egrep, env, expand,
        expr, false, fgrep, find, fold, ftpget, ftpput, getopt, grep, hd,
        head, hexdump, hostid, hostname, id, install, length, ln, ls, lsattr,
        md5sum, mkdir, mkfifo, mktemp, more, mv, nohup, nslookup, od, patch,
        printenv, printf, pwd, readlink, realpath, reset, resize, rm, rmdir,
        script, sed, seq, sh, sha1sum, sleep, sort, split, stat, strings,
        stty, sum, sync, tac, tail, tee, telnet, test, tftp, time, touch,
        tr, true, ttysize, unexpand, uniq, unix2dos, uptime, usleep, watch,
        wc, wget, which, whoami, xargs, yes

/ $


/ $ echo $PATH
/ $ ls /nimble/usr/bin
?             failover      perfpolicy    snapcoll      version
alert         halt          prottmpl      software      vmwplugin
array         help          reboot        sshkey        vol
chapuser      initiatorgrp  route         stats         volcoll
ctrlr         ip            setup         subnet
date          nic           shelf         timezone
disk          partner       snap          useradmin
/ $

コマンド名を見る限りでは、Nimble StorageのWeb GUIで操作することができることが、CLIでも実装されている、というような感じに見受けられる・・・というか、おそらく、Web GUIのバックエンドでは、これらのCLIが実行されているだけ、という気がする。


/ $ array
ERROR: One of following options must be specified: --info, --edit, --resetup, --create_throttle, --delete_throttle, --edit_throttle, --autosupport_validate, --autosupport_initiate, --unset_http_proxy
INFO: Use --help option to view usage information.
/ $ array --info
Model: CS220G
Serial: AF-******
Array name: **************
Array IP address:
Array IP netmask:
Discovery IP address:
Discovery IP netmask:
Domain name: **************
DNS server(s): **************
NTP server: **************
Timezone: Asia/Tokyo
SMTP server: **************
SMTP port: 25
Minimum alert email severity level: WARNING
Alert email recipient address(es): *******@***********
Alert email from address: *******@***********
Copy alert email to Nimble Storage support: Yes
Send event data to Nimble Storage support: Yes
Allow Nimble Storage support to establish secure connection to array: No
HTTP proxy server:
HTTP proxy server port:
HTTP proxy server username:
HTTP proxy server password: (on file if set)
Default volume reserve (% of volume size): 0
Default volume quota (% of volume size): 100
Default volume warn level (% of volume size): 80
Default snapshot reserve (% of volume size): 0
Default snapshot quota (% of volume size): unlimited
Default snapshot warn level (% of volume size): 0
Total capacity (MB): 7740973
Volume usage (MB): 71797
Volume compression: 1.46X
Volume space saved (MB): 33001
Snapshot usage (MB): 2143
Snapshot compression: 1.59X
Snapshot space reduction: 324.41X
Snapshot space saved (MB): 693238
Unused reserve (MB): 0
Free space (MB): 7667032
Last login: admin @
Throttled replication bandwidth: unlimited
Replication throttles: N/A
iSNS enabled: No
iSNS hostname:
iSNS port: 3205
SNMP trap enabled: No
SNMP trap hostname: N/A
SNMP trap port: N/A
SNMP get enabled: No
SNMP community: N/A
SNMP get port: N/A
SNMP system location: N/A
SNMP system contact: N/A
Array time: Thu Jan ** **:**:** 2014

/ $

Web GUI上では「Manage」→「Array」に相当する操作になるようだ。


/ $  ctrlr --info
ERROR: required parameter is missing in 'info'
INFO: Use --help option to view usage information.
/ $  ctrlr --list
Name State      Hostname             Support IP       Power    Fans    Temper-
                                                      Supplies Status  -ature
                                                      Status           Status
A    active                    OK       OK      OK
B    standby                   OK       OK      OK
/ $  ctrlr --info A
Name: A
Serial number: AF-xxxxxx-C1
State: active
Support IP address:
Support IP netmask:
Support IP nic: eth1
Power supply: OK
        power-supply1 at left rear: ok
        power-supply2 at right rear: ok
Cooling fans: OK
        fan1 at lower front of controller A: ok, speed: 11730rpm
        fan2 at lower left rear of controller A: ok, speed: 10608rpm
        fan3 at lower right rear of controller A: ok, speed: 10608rpm
        fan4 at upper right front of controller A: ok, speed: 10410rpm
        fan5 at upper left front of controller A: ok, speed: 10245rpm
        fan6 at upper left rear of controller A: ok, speed: 10560rpm
Temperature sensors: OK
        motherboard at motherboard: ok, temperature: 28C
        bp-temp1 at left-side backplane: ok, temperature: 37C
System partition status: OK
Last AutoSupport contact: Jan 30 2014 00:50:39
/ $  ctrlr --info B
Name: B
Serial number: AF-xxxxxx-C2
State: standby
Support IP address:
Support IP netmask:
Support IP nic: eth1
Power supply: OK
        power-supply1 at left rear: ok
        power-supply2 at right rear: ok
Cooling fans: OK
        fan1 at lower front of controller B: ok, speed: 10608rpm
        fan2 at lower left rear of controller B: ok, speed: 10608rpm
        fan3 at lower right rear of controller B: ok, speed: 10608rpm
        fan4 at upper right front of controller B: ok, speed: 10410rpm
        fan5 at upper left front of controller B: ok, speed: 10275rpm
        fan6 at upper left rear of controller B: ok, speed: 10365rpm
Temperature sensors: OK
        motherboard at motherboard: ok, temperature: 28C
        bp-temp2 at right-side backplane: ok, temperature: 38C
System partition status: OK
Last AutoSupport contact: N/A
/ $


システム停止するための操作は、Web GUI上だと「Administrator」→「shutdown」だったので、shutdownコマンドを探したんですが、rebootしかないなー、と思ってしまったのですが、こちらは「halt」コマンドでした。

/ $ halt
ERROR: One of following options must be specified: --array, --controller
INFO: Use --help option to view usage information.
/ $ halt --array
The array is shutting down and the head shelf will power off. You will not be able to use the user interface.
Once the array head shelf is powered down, it is safe to manually turn off any expansion shelves attached to this array.
To re-establish the user interface, you must first power any expansion shelves back on, power the array back on and log in again.
INFO: Initiated array shutdown.
/ $

「halt –array」にてシステム停止ができました。
いまのところ、Nimble Storage側に、UPS連携の仕組みが用意されていないですが、sshでログインして「halt –array」コマンドを実行することで停止ができるので、そういうUPSを用意すれば問題がないですね。

UPSソリューションズのAdvanced NWボード対応のUPSシリーズ(UPSS-SP,UPSS-HP,UPSS-HS)とかが使えるでしょうね。(Nimble StorageはSSH v2対応で、SSH v1のみ対応のSNMP/Webボードは使えません)


各コマンドの詳細については、「man コマンド名」でちゃんと表示されます。

・・・どこぞのWeb GUIがほぼ全てのTintri VMstoreとは全然違う・・・と感じましたね。


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