
NetApp ONTAPのWeb管理画面 ONTAP System Managerは、未使用でネットワークケーブルを接続していないポートがあると、オフラインになってるポートがあるよ、的な警告を表示する。

System Managerからだと簡単にネットワークポートの無効化が設定できる





まず、状況については「network port show」で確認出来ます。

fas8300::> network port show

Node: fas8300-01
                                                  Speed(Mbps) Health
Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- --------
a0a       Default      -                up   9000     -/-     healthy
a0a-1000  Default      Storage          up   9000     -/-     healthy
e0M       Default      Default          up   1500  auto/1000  healthy
e0c       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000 100000/100000 healthy
e0d       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000 100000/100000 healthy
e0e       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy
e0f       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy
e0g       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy
e0h       Default      -                down 9000  auto/-     -

Node: fas8300-02
                                                  Speed(Mbps) Health
Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- --------
a0a       Default      -                up   9000     -/-     healthy
a0a-1000  Default      Storage          up   9000     -/-     healthy
e0M       Default      Default          up   1500  auto/1000  healthy
e0c       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/100000 healthy
e0d       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/100000 healthy
e0e       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy
e0f       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy
e0g       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy
e0h       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy
18 entries were displayed.


しかし、network port modifyで指定できるオプションには、link up/downに関する設定がなさそう・・・

fas8300::> network port modify -node fas8300-01 -port e0h -?
  [ -mtu <integer> ]                                            MTU
  [ -autonegotiate-admin {true|false} ]                         Auto-Negotiation Administrative
  [ -duplex-admin {auto|half|full} ]                            Duplex Mode Administrative
  [ -speed-admin {auto|10|100|1000|10000|100000|40000|25000} ]  Speed Administrative
  [ -flowcontrol-admin {none|receive|send|full} ]               Flow Control Administrative
  [ -ipspace <IPspace> ]                                        IPspace Name


マニュアルの「network port modify」を確認してみると下記の記述がある。

[-up-admin {true|false}] – Up Administrative (privilege: advanced)
The administrative state of the port. If set to true, the port is used if it is operational. If set to false, the port is configured down.


fas8300::> set advanced

Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when directed to do so by NetApp
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y



fas8300::*> network port modify -node fas8300-01 -port e0h -?
  [ -mtu <integer> ]                                            MTU
  [ -autonegotiate-admin {true|false} ]                         Auto-Negotiation Administrative
  [ -duplex-admin {auto|half|full} ]                            Duplex Mode Administrative
  [ -speed-admin {auto|10|100|1000|10000|100000|40000|25000} ]  Speed Administrative
  [ -flowcontrol-admin {none|receive|send|full} ]               Flow Control Administrative
  [ -up-admin {true|false} ]                                    *Up Administrative
  [ -ipspace <IPspace> ]                                        IPspace Name
  [ -ignore-health-status {true|false} ]                        *Ignore Port Health Status



fas8300::*> network port modify -node fas8300-01 -port e0h -up-admin true



fas8300::*> network port show

Node: fas8300-01
                                                  Speed(Mbps) Health   Health
Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status   Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------
a0a       Default      -                up   9000     -/-     healthy  false
a0a-1000  Default      Storage          up   9000     -/-     healthy  false
e0M       Default      Default          up   1500  auto/1000  healthy  false
e0c       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000 100000/100000 healthy false
e0d       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000 100000/100000 healthy false
e0e       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy  false
e0f       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy  false
e0g       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy  false
e0h       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy  false

Node: fas8300-02
                                                  Speed(Mbps) Health   Health
Port      IPspace      Broadcast Domain Link MTU  Admin/Oper  Status   Status
--------- ------------ ---------------- ---- ---- ----------- -------- ------
a0a       Default      -                up   9000     -/-     healthy  false
a0a-1000  Default      Storage          up   9000     -/-     healthy  false
e0M       Default      Default          up   1500  auto/1000  healthy  false
e0c       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/100000 healthy false
e0d       Cluster      Cluster          up   9000  auto/100000 healthy false
e0e       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy  false
e0f       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy  false
e0g       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy  false
e0h       Default      -                up   9000  auto/25000 healthy  false
18 entries were displayed.



System Managerの方でも表示がupに戻ったかを確認できました。

Web GUIだと簡単に設定変更できるものが、コマンドだとadvanced権限必要だった、というのは驚きでした。



ONTAP OS側からだと「system node environment sensors show」で現在値のみが確認出来た。

ただ、上記だと各部センサーの情報が全て含まれてしまうので、電源電圧だけを見るのであれば「system node environment sensors show -name *VIN*」と指定することで入力電圧のみを見ることが出来る。

fas8300::> system node environment sensors show -name *VIN*
Node Sensor                 State Value/Units Crit-Low Warn-Low Warn-Hi Crit-Hi
---- --------------------- ------ ----------- -------- -------- ------- -------
     PSU1 VIN              normal
                                    99840 mV     90480    93600  261040  263120
     PSU2 VIN              normal
                                    94640 mV     90480    93600  261040  263120
     PSU1 VIN              normal
                                    99840 mV     90480    93600  261040  263120
     PSU2 VIN              normal
                                    94640 mV     90480    93600  261040  263120
4 entries were displayed.



これまでに電源電圧警報が発令された時に何Vだったのかを確認するには、Service Processor/BMC側にログインして調べる必要があった。

「system log sel」で表示されるIPMIログを見て確認する。

BMC fas8300-01> system log sel
   1 | 11/09/2021 | 09:38:39 | System Firmware Progress | Secondary CPU Initialization | Asserted
   2 | 11/09/2021 | 09:38:39 | System Firmware Progress | USB resource configuration | Asserted
   3 | 11/09/2021 | 09:38:41 | System Firmware Progress | PCI resource configuration | Asserted
   4 | 11/09/2021 | 09:38:41 | System Firmware Progress | Video initialization | Asserted
   5 | 11/09/2021 | 09:38:41 | System Firmware Progress | Keyboard controller initialization | Asserted
   6 | 11/09/2021 | 09:38:42 | System Firmware Progress | Hard-disk initialization | Asserted
   7 | 11/09/2021 | 09:38:50 | System Firmware Progress | Hard-disk initialization | Asserted
   8 | 11/09/2021 | 09:39:01 | System Event |  | Asserted
   9 | 11/09/2021 | 09:39:20 | Voltage #0x50 | Lower Non-critical going low
   a | 11/09/2021 | 09:39:24 | Voltage #0x5a | Lower Non-critical going low
   b | 11/09/2021 | 09:40:29 | Voltage #0x50 | Lower Non-critical going low
   c | 11/09/2021 | 09:40:29 | Voltage #0x5a | Lower Non-critical going low
   d | 11/09/2021 | 09:41:02 | System Event #0xff | Timestamp Clock Sync | Asserted
   e | 11/09/2021 | 09:41:02 | System Event #0xff | Timestamp Clock Sync | Asserted
   f | 11/09/2021 | 10:41:48 | Voltage #0x50 | Lower Non-critical going low
 b97 | 11/30/2021 | 23:45:25 | Voltage #0x5a | Lower Non-critical going low
 b98 | 11/30/2021 | 23:46:33 | Voltage #0x5a | Lower Non-critical going low
 b99 | 11/30/2021 | 23:46:46 | Voltage #0x5a | Lower Non-critical going low

BMC fas8300-01>

上記の「Voltage #0x50 | Lower Non-critical going low」というのが16進数表記の電圧となる。


さすがにAC 80Vは低すぎでしょ!!というわけで、電源経路確認が実施されましたとさ