HPE OfficeConnect 1950スイッチをシリアルケーブルで設定できるのか?


HPE OfficeConnect 1950はマニュアルを読む限り設定はWebでしかできないように書かれている。
しかし、設定をExportしたファイルを見ると、HPE 5800と同様のフォーマットで設定が書かれている。



* Copyright (c) 2010-2017 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP          *
* Without the owner's prior written consent,                                 *
* no decompiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed.                    *

Line aux0 is available.

Press ENTER to get started.
login: admin
<HPE>%Mar 19 13:31:25:657 2018 HPE SHELL/5/SHELL_LOGIN: admin logged in from aux0.


<HPE> ?
User view commands:
  display       Display current system information
  exit          Alias for 'quit'
  initialize    Delete the startup configuration file and reboot system
  ipsetup       IP configuration
  no            Alias for 'undo'
  password      Specify password of local user
  ping          Ping function
  poe           Power over Ethernet
  quit          Exit from current command view
  reboot        Reboot operation
  show          Alias for 'display'
  summary       Display summary information of the device
  telnet        Establish a telnet connection
  transceiver   Enable transceiver phony alarm
  undo          Cancel current setting
  upgrade       Upgrade the system boot file or the Boot ROM program
  xtd-cli-mode  Switch to extended CLI mode to display and execute all commands
                (special authorization required)


Web GUIでエクスポートした設定はHPE 5800相当なのに、使えるコマンドは全然違う。


All commands can be displayed and executed in extended CLI mode. Switch to extended CLI mode? [Y/N]:y



Glazenbakje’s technical blog「HP v1910 Secret Commando list ( how to enable it )」のコメントに記載
俺の技術メモ「HP 1950 Switchのxtd-cli-modeパスワード
HPE Community「HP 1950 JG961A “xtd-cli-mode”


All commands can be displayed and executed in extended CLI mode. Switch to extended CLI mode? [Y/N]:y
Warning: Extended CLI mode is intended for developers to test the system. Before using commands in extended CLI mode, contact the Technical Support and make sure you know the potential impact on the device and the network.


User view commands:
  archive             Archive configuration
  arp                 Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) module
  backup              Backup operation
  boot-loader         Software image file management
  bootrom             Update/read/backup/restore bootrom
  cd                  Change current directory
  cfd                 Connectivity Fault Detection (CFD) module
  clock               Specify the system clock
  copy                Copy a file
  debugging           Enable system debugging functions
  delete              Delete a file
  diagnostic-logfile  Diagnostic log file configuration
  dir                 Display files and directories on the storage media
  display             Display current system information
  erase               Alias for 'delete'
  exception           Exception information configuration
  exit                Alias for 'quit'
  fdisk               Partition a storage medium
  fixdisk             Check and repair a storage medium
  format              Format a storage medium
  free                Release a connection
  ftp                 Open an FTP connection
  gunzip              Decompress file
  gzip                Compress file
  install             Perform package management operation
  ip                  Specify IP configuration
  local-guest         Manage guest users
  lock                Lock the current line
  logfile             Log file configuration
  md5sum              Compute the hash digest of a file using the MD5 algorithm
  mkdir               Create a new directory
  monitor             System monitor
  more                Display the contents of a file
  mount               Mount a storage medium
  move                Move a file
  mtrace              Configure the multicast traceroute
  no                  Alias for 'undo'
  oam                 OAM module
  ping                Ping function
  process             Process management
  pwd                 Display current working directory
  python              Source using python script
  quit                Exit from current command view
  reboot              Reboot operation
  rename              Rename a file or directory
  repeat              Repeat executing history commands
  reset               Reset operation
  restore             Restore operation
  rmdir               Remove an existing directory
  save                Save current configuration
  scheduler           Scheduler configuration
  scp                 Establish an SCP connection to an SCP server
  screen-length       Multiple-screen output function
  security-logfile    Security log file configuration
  send                Send information to other lines
  sftp                Establish an SFTP connection to an SFTP server
  sha256sum           Compute the hash digest of a file using the SHA256
  show                Alias for 'display'
  ssh2                Establish an Stelnet connection to an Stelnet server
  startup             Specify system startup parameters
  super               Switch to a user role
  system-view         Enter the System View
  tar                 Archive management
  tclquit             Exit from TCL shell
  tclsh               Enter the TCL shell
  telnet              Establish a telnet connection
  terminal            Set the terminal line characteristics
  tftp                Open a TFTP connection
  tracert             Tracert function
  umount              Unmount a storage medium
  undelete            Recover a deleted file
  undo                Cancel current setting
  web                 Web configuration
  write               Alias for 'save'
  xml                 Enter XML view
  xtd-cli-mode        Switch to extended CLI mode to display and execute all
                      commands (special authorization required)



「show current-configuration」で現在の設定を確認できます。

<HPE> show current-configuration
 version 7.1.070, Release 5106p03
 sysname HPE
 clock timezone Tokyo add 09:00:00
 clock protocol ntp
 telnet server enable
user-group system
local-user admin class manage
 service-type telnet http https terminal
 authorization-attribute user-role network-admin
 authorization-attribute user-role network-operator
 ip http enable
 ip https enable

この結果は、Web GUIでエクスポートした設定ファイルと等しい状態でした。



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