いままでONTAP シミュレータってアップデートできないものだ、と思っていたのですが、ぐぐってみたらアップデートできる、という手法を発見。実践してみた。
2022/10/07追記: ONTAP 9.7→9.8P12→9.10.1P6 といったアップデートも条件によっては可能でした→詳細(ONTAPシミュレータを9.7から9.10.1にアップデートしようとしたらIllegal instructionとwaiting until daemon ktlsd starts upで失敗した)
2023/11/21追加: ONTAP9.5→9.7→9.8→9.11.1 アップデートも仮想マシンHWバージョンをあげて実行することで成功しました。
ネタ元「NetApp ONTAP 9.7 Simulator Upgrade How To」
・ONTAP シミュレータ標準のroot aggregate構成では6GBを確保できないので、ディスク追加必須
・アップデートは 97P6_q_image.tgz などの通常のNetApp FAS用ファイルがそのまま使える
なお、ONTAPシミュレータの初期構築時からアップデートを考慮するのであれば、初回の電源ON後、設定を行わずにONTAPシミュレータのディスクを1GB HDD構成から9GB HDD構成に変更する操作を行った方が良い→「NetApp ONTAPシミュレータのディスク構成を変更する」
また、一度設定したONTAPシミュレータでスペアがない場合は「ONTAP 9.7シミュレータのシステムボリュームを拡張する」の手順を実行することでディスクを追加することができる。
なお、CLIで実施していますが、これは失敗した場合の調査のやりやすさを優先しているためなので、Web UIからアップデートしても大丈夫です。
その1 アップデートファイルの入手
2020/09/03時点だと 97P6_q_image.tgz が最新。
その2 httpサーバの設置
NetAppからアクセスできる場所に httpサーバを立てて、アップデートファイルをダウンロードできるようにする。
Windows上でhttpサーバを建てる場合、「簡単WEBサーバー」というものを使用したところHTTP HEADを実装していないようでファイル容量の検出ができず、正常に動作しませんでした。
ネタ元のサイトでは「HFS ~ Http File Server」というものを使用していました。
わたしは最初はLinux上のApacheを使用しましたが、HFSを試してみたところ非常に簡単に使えました。詳細→「Windowsで簡易的にWebサーバをたてるソフト HFS」
その4 root aggregateへのディスク追加
現状のaggregate構成の確認するため「storage aggregate show」を実行
nas01c::> storage aggregate show
Aggregate Size Available Used% State #Vols Nodes RAID Status
--------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
855MB 42.13MB 95% online 1 nas01c-01 raid_dp,
得られたaggregate名を使って「storage disk show -aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01」を実行し、ディスク構成を確認。
nas01c::> storage disk show -aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
Usable Disk Container Container
Disk Size Shelf Bay Type Type Name Owner
---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
NET-1.15 1020MB - 16 FCAL aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
NET-1.16 1020MB - 17 FCAL aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
NET-1.17 1020MB - 18 FCAL aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
3 entries were displayed.
追加するディスクは現状スペアディスク認識となっているものを使用するため、現状のスペアディスクを「storage disk show -container-type spare」で確認する。
nas01c::> storage disk show -container-type spare
Usable Disk Container Container
Disk Size Shelf Bay Type Type Name Owner
---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
NET-1.18 1020MB - 19 FCAL spare Pool0 nas01c-01
NET-1.19 1020MB - 20 FCAL spare Pool0 nas01c-01
NET-1.20 1020MB - 21 FCAL spare Pool0 nas01c-01
NET-1.21 1020MB - 22 FCAL spare Pool0 nas01c-01
NET-1.22 1020MB - 24 FCAL spare Pool0 nas01c-01
NET-1.23 1020MB - 25 FCAL spare Pool0 nas01c-01
NET-1.24 1020MB - 26 FCAL spare Pool0 nas01c-01
NET-1.25 1020MB - 27 FCAL spare Pool0 nas01c-01
NET-1.26 1020MB - 28 FCAL spare Pool0 nas01c-01
NET-1.27 1020MB - 29 FCAL spare Pool0 nas01c-01
NET-1.28 1020MB - 32 FCAL spare Pool0 nas01c-01
11 entries were displayed.
ディスクを7本追加するため「storage aggregate add-disks -aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01 -diskcount 7」と実行します。
nas01c::> storage aggregate add-disks -aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01 -diskcount 7
Warning: Aggregate "aggr0_nas01c_01" is a root aggregate. Adding disks to the root aggregate is not recommended. Once added, disks cannot be removed without
reinitializing the node.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Info: Disks would be added to aggregate "aggr0_nas01c_01" on node "nas01c-01" in the following manner:
First Plex
RAID Group rg0, 9 disks (block checksum, raid_dp)
Usable Physical
Position Disk Type Size Size
---------- ------------------------- ---------- -------- --------
data NET-1.18 FCAL 1000MB 1.00GB
data NET-1.19 FCAL 1000MB 1.00GB
data NET-1.20 FCAL 1000MB 1.00GB
data NET-1.21 FCAL 1000MB 1.00GB
data NET-1.22 FCAL 1000MB 1.00GB
data NET-1.23 FCAL 1000MB 1.00GB
data NET-1.24 FCAL 1000MB 1.00GB
Aggregate capacity available for volume use would be increased by 5.27GB.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
ディスクを7本追加し、10本構成としたところ、root aggregateのサイズは6.68GBとなりました。
nas01c::> storage aggregate show
Aggregate Size Available Used% State #Vols Nodes RAID Status
--------- -------- --------- ----- ------- ------ ---------------- ------------
6.68GB 5.88GB 12% online 1 nas01c-01 raid_dp,
nas01c::> storage disk show -aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
Usable Disk Container Container
Disk Size Shelf Bay Type Type Name Owner
---------------- ---------- ----- --- ------- ----------- --------- --------
NET-1.15 1020MB - 16 FCAL aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
NET-1.16 1020MB - 17 FCAL aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
NET-1.17 1020MB - 18 FCAL aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
NET-1.18 1020MB - 19 FCAL aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
NET-1.19 1020MB - 20 FCAL aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
NET-1.20 1020MB - 21 FCAL aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
NET-1.21 1020MB - 22 FCAL aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
NET-1.22 1020MB - 24 FCAL aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
NET-1.23 1020MB - 25 FCAL aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
NET-1.24 1020MB - 26 FCAL aggregate aggr0_nas01c_01
10 entries were displayed.
その5 vol0のディスク容量増加
・vol0 3GB:アップデートファイルのダウンロードに失敗
・vol0 4GB:Verifying package signature で失敗
・vol0 5GB:とりあえず成功するも、途中の空き容量がギリギリ
2022/08/19追記:ONTAP 9.9.1→9.9.1P10の場合6GBでも失敗したため、とりあえず10GBで実施しました。
現状を確認するため「volume show」を実行します
nas01c::> volume show
Vserver Volume Aggregate State Type Size Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
nas01c-01 vol0 aggr0_nas01c_01
online RW 807.3MB 426.8MB 44%
現状のvol0サイズを確認するため「volume size -vserver ノード名 -volume vol0」を実行します。
nas01c::> volume size -vserver nas01c-01 -volume vol0
vol size: Volume "nas01c-01:vol0" has size 807.3m.
vol0のサイズを6gにするため「volume size -vserver ノード名 -volume vol0 -new-size 6g」を実行します。
nas01c::> volume size -vserver nas01c-01 -volume vol0 -new-size 6g
vol size: Volume "nas01c-01:vol0" size set to 6g.
容量が増加したことを「volume size -vserver ノード名 -volume vol0」と「volume show」を実行して確認します。
nas01c::> volume size -vserver nas01c-01 -volume vol0
vol size: Volume "nas01c-01:vol0" has size 6g.
nas01c::> volume show
Vserver Volume Aggregate State Type Size Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
nas01c-01 vol0 aggr0_nas01c_01
online RW 6GB 5.36GB 5%
2023/06/05追記: clusterコマンドを使う手順は、最後尾の「cluster imageコマンドを使った手順」に飛ぶ
その6 advanceモードへの切り替え
nas01c::> set adv
Warning: These advanced commands are potentially dangerous; use them only when
directed to do so by NetApp personnel.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
その7 現状確認
「system image show」と「system image package show」を実行して、現在のシステムイメージの状態を確認します。
nas01c::*> system image show
Is Is Install
Node Image Default Current Version Date
-------- ------- ------- ------- ------------------------- -------------------
image1 true true 9.7 -
image1 true true 9.7 -
2 entries were displayed.
nas01c::*> system image package show
現状、両ノードとも9.7が標準で起動する設定(Is Default:true)で、現状の起動も9.7(Is Currect:true)であることがわかります。
また「version -node *」を実行してOSバージョンを確認します。
nas01c::*> version -node *
nas01c-01 :
NetApp Release 9.7: Thu Jan 09 11:10:19 UTC 2020
nas01c-02 :
NetApp Release 9.7: Thu Jan 09 11:10:19 UTC 2020
2 entries were displayed.
その8 アップデートをimage2へ書き込む
「system image update -node ノード名 -package http://HTTPサーバ/97P6_q_image.tgz -replace image2」という形で、image2に対してダウンロードしたファイルを書き込みます。
nas01c::*> system image update -node nas01c-01 -package -replace image2
Software update started on node nas01c-02. Updating image2 with package http://.../97P6_q_image.tgz.
Downloading package. This may take up to 20 minutes.
99% downloaded
Download complete.
Listing package contents.
Decompressing package contents.
Verifying package signature.
Invoking script (install phase). This may take up to 60 minutes.
Mode of operation is UPDATE
Current image is image1
Alternate image is image2
Versions are compatible
Available space on boot device is 1452 MB
Required space on boot device is 740 MB
Kernel binary matches install machine type
external keymanager check script has run successfully.
Getting ready to install image
Directory /cfcard/x86_64/freebsd/image2 created
Syncing device...
Extracting to /cfcard/x86_64/freebsd/image2...
x netboot/VERSION
x netboot/COMPAT.TXT
x netboot/BUILD
x netboot/kernel.sig
x netboot/key_fingerprint.csfc.sig
x netboot/key_fingerprint.sig
x netboot/platform.ko.sig
x netboot/platfs.img.sig
x netboot/rootfs.img.sig
x netboot/kernel.csfc.sig
x netboot/platform.ko.csfc.sig
x netboot/platfs.img.csfc.sig
x netboot/rootfs.img.csfc.sig
x netboot/CHECKSUM
x netboot/metadata.xml
x netboot/nvdimm.ko
x netboot/pvscsi.ko
x netboot/INSTALL
x netboot/if_vmx.ko
x netboot/bsdboot.tgz
x netboot/cap.xml
x netboot/mpt.ko
x netboot/platform.ko
x netboot/platfs.img
x netboot/kernel
x netboot/fw.tgz
x netboot/pmroot_late.tgz
x netboot/rootfs.img
Installed MD5 checksums pass
Installing diagnostic and firmware files
Firmware MD5 checksums pass
Updating FreeBSD boot partition
Successfully updated FreeBSD boot partition
Installation complete. image2 updated on node nas01c-01.
正常に書き込まれたかは「system image show」と「system image package show」を実行して確認します。
nas01c::*> system image show
Is Is Install
Node Image Default Current Version Date
-------- ------- ------- ------- ------------------------- -------------------
image1 true true 9.7 -
image2 false false 9.7P6 9/2/2020 14:51:02
image1 true true 9.7 -
3 entries were displayed.
nas01c::*> system image package show
Node Repository Package File Name
------------ -------------- -----------------
1 entries were displayed.
nas01c::*> system image update -node nas01c-02 -package -replace image2
Software update started on node nas01c-02. Updating image2 with package http://.../97P6_q_image.tgz.
Downloading package. This may take up to 20 minutes.
99% downloaded
Download complete.
Listing package contents.
Decompressing package contents.
Verifying package signature.
Invoking script (install phase). This may take up to 60 minutes.
Mode of operation is UPDATE
Current image is image1
Alternate image is image2
Versions are compatible
Available space on boot device is 1452 MB
Required space on boot device is 740 MB
Kernel binary matches install machine type
external keymanager check script has run successfully.
Getting ready to install image
Directory /cfcard/x86_64/freebsd/image2 created
Syncing device...
Extracting to /cfcard/x86_64/freebsd/image2...
x netboot/VERSION
x netboot/COMPAT.TXT
x netboot/BUILD
x netboot/kernel.sig
x netboot/key_fingerprint.csfc.sig
x netboot/key_fingerprint.sig
x netboot/platform.ko.sig
x netboot/platfs.img.sig
x netboot/rootfs.img.sig
x netboot/kernel.csfc.sig
x netboot/platform.ko.csfc.sig
x netboot/platfs.img.csfc.sig
x netboot/rootfs.img.csfc.sig
x netboot/CHECKSUM
x netboot/metadata.xml
x netboot/nvdimm.ko
x netboot/pvscsi.ko
x netboot/INSTALL
x netboot/if_vmx.ko
x netboot/bsdboot.tgz
x netboot/cap.xml
x netboot/mpt.ko
x netboot/platform.ko
x netboot/platfs.img
x netboot/kernel
x netboot/fw.tgz
x netboot/pmroot_late.tgz
x netboot/rootfs.img
Installed MD5 checksums pass
Installing diagnostic and firmware files
Firmware MD5 checksums pass
Updating FreeBSD boot partition
Successfully updated FreeBSD boot partition
Installation complete. image2 updated on node nas01c-02.
nas01c::*> system image show
Is Is Install
Node Image Default Current Version Date
-------- ------- ------- ------- ------------------------- -------------------
image1 true true 9.7 -
image2 false false 9.7P6 9/2/2020 14:51:02
image1 true true 9.7 -
image2 false false 9.7P6 9/2/2020 16:37:32
4 entries were displayed.
nas01c::*> system image package show
Node Repository Package File Name
------------ -------------- -----------------
2 entries were displayed.
その9 image2からの再起動
「system image modify -node ノード名 -image image2 -isdefault true」と実行します。
nas01c::*> system image modify -node nas01c-01 -image image2 -isdefault true
After a clean shutdown, image2 will be set as the default boot image on node
Is Default設定が変更されているかを「system image show」で確認します。
nas01c::*> system image show
Is Is Install
Node Image Default Current Version Date
-------- ------- ------- ------- ------------------------- -------------------
image1 false true 9.7 -
image2 true false 9.7P6 9/2/2020 14:51:02
image1 true true 9.7 -
image2 false false 9.7P6 9/2/2020 16:37:32
4 entries were displayed.
変更したノードを「reboot -node ノード名」で再起動します。
nas01c::*> reboot -node nas01c-01
(system node reboot)
Warning: This operation will cause node "nas01c-01" to be marked as unhealthy. Unhealthy nodes do not participate in quorum voting. If the node
goes out of service and one more node goes out of service there will be a data serving failure for the entire cluster. This will cause a
client disruption. Use "cluster show" to verify cluster state. If possible bring other nodes online to improve the resiliency of this
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
再起動中、下記の様な形で「Running the upgrade system」という表示があったりします。

再起動が完了したら、「system image show」でIs DefaultとIs Currectが変更されていることを確認します。
nas01c::*> system image show
Is Is Install
Node Image Default Current Version Date
-------- ------- ------- ------- ------------------------- -------------------
image1 false false 9.7 -
image2 true true 9.7P6 9/2/2020 14:51:02
image1 true true 9.7 -
image2 false false 9.7P6 9/2/2020 16:37:32
4 entries were displayed.
また「version -node *」を実行してOSバージョンが変更されていることを確認します。
nas01c::*> version -node *
nas01c-01 :
NetApp Release 9.7P6: Tue Jul 28 04:06:27 UTC 2020
nas01c-02 :
NetApp Release 9.7: Thu Jan 09 11:10:19 UTC 2020
2 entries were displayed.
その10 もう片側も同様に再起動
「system image show」を実行して、Is Default, Is Currectが両方とも変更されたことを確認。
nas01c::*> system image show
Is Is Install
Node Image Default Current Version Date
-------- ------- ------- ------- ------------------------- -------------------
image1 false false 9.7 -
image2 true true 9.7P6 9/2/2020 14:51:02
image1 false false 9.7 -
image2 true true 9.7P6 9/2/2020 16:37:32
4 entries were displayed.
「version -node *」を実行して、両ノードのOSバージョンが変更されたことを確認。
nas01c::*> version -node *
nas01c-01 :
NetApp Release 9.7P6: Tue Jul 28 04:06:27 UTC 2020
nas01c-02 :
NetApp Release 9.7P6: Tue Jul 28 04:06:27 UTC 2020
2 entries were displayed.
The management gateway server restarted. Waiting to see if the connection can be reestablished.
The connection with the management gateway server has been reestablished.
If the root cause of the interruption was a process core, you can see the core file details by issuing the following command:
system node coredump show -node local -type application -corename mgwd.* -instance
CRITICAL: This node is not healthy because the root volume is low on space
(<10MB). The node can still serve data, but it cannot participate in cluster
operations until this situation is rectified. Free space using the nodeshell or
contact technical support for assistance.
メッセージにある「system node coredump show」を実行してもなにもないなー
nas01c::> system node coredump show
This table is currently empty.
nas01c::> system node coredump show -node local -type application -corename mgwd.* -instance
There are no entries matching your query.
nas01c::> system node run -node nas01c-02 df
Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/vol0/ 5976884 5974408 2476 100% /vol/vol0/
/vol/vol0/.snapshot 314572 3254436 0 1035% /vol/vol0/.snapshot
nas01c::> system node run -node nas01c-02 snap list
Volume vol0
%/used %/total date name
---------- ---------- ------------ --------
50% (50%) 48% (48%) Sep 02 16:02 hourly.0
52% ( 6%) 52% ( 3%) Sep 02 15:45 hourly.1
nas01c::> system node run -node nas01c-02 snap delete vol0 hourly.0
nas01c::> system node run -node nas01c-02 snap delete vol0 hourly.1
nas01c::> system node run -node nas01c-02 df
Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/vol0/ 5976884 3029024 2947860 51% /vol/vol0/
/vol/vol0/.snapshot 314572 0 314572 0% /vol/vol0/.snapshot
上記は「system node run -node ノード名 snap ~」で実行していますがONTAP OSの起動状況によっては「snap show ~」「snap delete ~」が使える場合もあります。
その場合、snap deleteコマンドの際にアスタリスクが使用できるので、全削除が簡単です。
nas01c::*> snap show
Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
hourly.5 1.37MB 0% 0%
hourly.4 374.7MB 6% 10%
hourly.3 316.9MB 5% 9%
hourly.2 192.8MB 3% 5%
hourly.1 245.9MB 4% 7%
hourly.0 181.7MB 3% 5%
nightly.1 276.1MB 4% 8%
nightly.0 185.5MB 3% 5%
hourly.2 107.8MB 2% 3%
hourly.1 286.0MB 5% 8%
nightly.0 252.2MB 4% 7%
hourly.0 228.9MB 4% 6%
svm0 svm0_root
daily.2020-09-03_0010 336KB 2% 39%
hourly.2020-09-03_0405 128KB 1% 19%
hourly.2020-09-03_0505 128KB 1% 19%
Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm0 svm0_root
hourly.2020-09-03_0605 364KB 2% 40%
hourly.2020-09-03_0854 128KB 1% 19%
hourly.2020-09-03_0905 128KB 1% 19%
hourly.2020-09-03_1005 120KB 1% 18%
daily.2020-09-03_0010 152KB 0% 8%
hourly.2020-09-03_0505 144KB 0% 8%
hourly.2020-09-03_0605 152KB 0% 8%
hourly.2020-09-03_0705 152KB 0% 8%
hourly.2020-09-03_0805 164KB 0% 9%
hourly.2020-09-03_0905 152KB 0% 8%
hourly.2020-09-03_1005 144KB 0% 8%
26 entries were displayed.
nas01c::*> snap delete -vserver
nas01c-01 nas01c-02 svm0
nas01c::*> snap delete -vserver nas01c-01 -volume vol0 -snapshot
hourly.5 hourly.4 hourly.3 hourly.2 hourly.1 hourly.0 nightly.1
nas01c::*> snap delete -vserver nas01c-01 -volume vol0 -snapshot *
Warning: Deleting a Snapshot copy permanently removes any data that is stored
only in that Snapshot copy. Are you sure you want to delete Snapshot
copy "hourly.5" for volume "vol0" in Vserver "nas01c-01" ?
{y|n}: y
Warning: Deleting a Snapshot copy permanently removes any data that is stored
only in that Snapshot copy. Are you sure you want to delete Snapshot
copy "hourly.4" for volume "vol0" in Vserver "nas01c-01" ?
{y|n}: y
Warning: Deleting a Snapshot copy permanently removes any data that is stored
only in that Snapshot copy. Are you sure you want to delete Snapshot
copy "hourly.3" for volume "vol0" in Vserver "nas01c-01" ?
{y|n}: y
Warning: Deleting a Snapshot copy permanently removes any data that is stored
only in that Snapshot copy. Are you sure you want to delete Snapshot
copy "hourly.2" for volume "vol0" in Vserver "nas01c-01" ?
{y|n}: y
Warning: Deleting a Snapshot copy permanently removes any data that is stored
only in that Snapshot copy. Are you sure you want to delete Snapshot
copy "hourly.1" for volume "vol0" in Vserver "nas01c-01" ?
{y|n}: y
Warning: Deleting a Snapshot copy permanently removes any data that is stored
only in that Snapshot copy. Are you sure you want to delete Snapshot
copy "hourly.0" for volume "vol0" in Vserver "nas01c-01" ?
{y|n}: y
Warning: Deleting a Snapshot copy permanently removes any data that is stored
only in that Snapshot copy. Are you sure you want to delete Snapshot
copy "nightly.1" for volume "vol0" in Vserver "nas01c-01" ?
{y|n}: y
Warning: Deleting a Snapshot copy permanently removes any data that is stored
only in that Snapshot copy. Are you sure you want to delete Snapshot
copy "nightly.0" for volume "vol0" in Vserver "nas01c-01" ?
{y|n}: y
8 entries were acted on.
nas01c::*> snap delete -vserver nas01c-02 -volume vol0 -snapshot *
Warning: Deleting a Snapshot copy permanently removes any data that is stored
only in that Snapshot copy. Are you sure you want to delete Snapshot
copy "hourly.2" for volume "vol0" in Vserver "nas01c-02" ?
{y|n}: y
Warning: Deleting a Snapshot copy permanently removes any data that is stored
only in that Snapshot copy. Are you sure you want to delete Snapshot
copy "hourly.1" for volume "vol0" in Vserver "nas01c-02" ?
{y|n}: y
Warning: Deleting a Snapshot copy permanently removes any data that is stored
only in that Snapshot copy. Are you sure you want to delete Snapshot
copy "nightly.0" for volume "vol0" in Vserver "nas01c-02" ?
{y|n}: y
Warning: Deleting a Snapshot copy permanently removes any data that is stored
only in that Snapshot copy. Are you sure you want to delete Snapshot
copy "hourly.0" for volume "vol0" in Vserver "nas01c-02" ?
{y|n}: y
4 entries were acted on.
nas01c::*> snap show
Vserver Volume Snapshot Size Total% Used%
-------- -------- ------------------------------------- -------- ------ -----
svm0 svm0_root
daily.2020-09-03_0010 336KB 2% 39%
hourly.2020-09-03_0405 128KB 1% 19%
hourly.2020-09-03_0505 128KB 1% 19%
hourly.2020-09-03_0605 364KB 2% 40%
hourly.2020-09-03_0854 128KB 1% 19%
hourly.2020-09-03_0905 128KB 1% 19%
hourly.2020-09-03_1005 120KB 1% 18%
daily.2020-09-03_0010 152KB 0% 8%
hourly.2020-09-03_0505 144KB 0% 8%
hourly.2020-09-03_0605 152KB 0% 8%
hourly.2020-09-03_0705 152KB 0% 8%
hourly.2020-09-03_0805 164KB 0% 9%
hourly.2020-09-03_0905 152KB 0% 8%
hourly.2020-09-03_1005 144KB 0% 8%
14 entries were displayed.
アップデートを実行したところ「Failed to verify the signatures of the image.」で失敗した。
ontap97-sub::*> system image update -package http://~/patch/97P18_q_image.tgz
Warning: The recommended best-practice is to use the automated update procedure
if you are attempting an upgrade or a minor version downgrade. Refer
to the Clustered Data ONTAP Upgrade and Revert/Downgrade Guide for
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Software update started on node ontap97-sub-01. Updating image2 with package http://.../97P18_q_image.tgz.
Downloading package. This may take up to 20 minutes.
100% downloaded
Download complete.
Listing package contents.
Decompressing package contents.
Verifying package signature.
Install Failed.
Failed to verify the signatures of the image. The image may have been corrupted.
Replace the image, and then try the command again.
Error: command failed: Install Failed. Failed to verify the signatures of the
image. The image may have been corrupted. Replace the image, and then
try the command again.
vol0 3GBの際
vol0 3GBの時は、アップデータのダウンロードで失敗していた。
ontap97-sub::*> system image update -package http://~/patch/97P14_q_image.tgz
Warning: The recommended best-practice is to use the automated update procedure
if you are attempting an upgrade or a minor version downgrade. Refer
to the Clustered Data ONTAP Upgrade and Revert/Downgrade Guide for
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Software update started on node ontap97-sub-01. Updating image2 with package http://.../97P14_q_image.tgz.
Downloading package. This may take up to 20 minutes.
Install Failed.
Cannot update or install image because the system management storage area is
almost out of space. To make space available, delete old Snapshot copies. For
further assistance, contact technical support.
Error: command failed: Install Failed. Cannot update or install image because
the system management storage area is almost out of space. To make space
available, delete old Snapshot copies. For further assistance, contact
technical support.
このときのvol0の空き容量を「df -h /vol/vol0」で確認したところ、97P14_q_image.tgz (2465KB)をおけるだけのスペースがありませんでした。
ひとまず、vol0 5GBで成功しましたが、やはり余裕をみて6GBあった方がいいと思います。
ONTAP 8.3.2シミュレータ環境をONTAP 8.3.2P12にアップデートした後
ONTAP 9.1P19アップデートファイルを適用してみたらどうなるかを実験。
ONTAPシミュレータのONTAP 9.9.1を普通のONTAP用のアップデータを使ってONTAP 9.10.1P6にアップデートする実験を行った
Webからアップデートを行う際は「system image show-update-progress」と「cluster image show-update-progress」で実行状況を確認することができる。
ただ、アップデート後、Web GUIが英語表記のみとなり日本語表記に設定できなくなっている。
あと、「Automatic Update」という設定が追加されており、ONTAP OSの自働バージョンアップっぽいものができるようになった模様
cluster imageコマンドを使った手順
その1 現状利用できるパッケージがあるか確認
「cluster image package show-repository」を実行してイメージファイルがあるか確認
netapp9101dr::> cluster image package show-repository
There are no packages in the repository.
その2 イメージファイルのアップロード
「cluster image package get -url http://~/9101P12_q_image.tgz」といった形でファイルをONTAP内に取り込む
netapp9101dr::> cluster image package get -url http://~/9101P12_q_image.tgz
Package download completed.
Package processing completed.
その3 イメージファイルの確認
「cluster image package show-repository」を実行して確認
netapp9101dr::> cluster image package show-repository
Package Version Package Build Time
---------------- ------------------
9.10.1P12 4/13/2023 09:30:59
その4 現状のイメージを確認
netapp9101dr::> cluster image show
Node Current Version Installation Date
-------------------- ----------------------- -------------------
netapp9101dr-01 9.10.1 -
その5 アップデートが実行できるかチェック
まず「cluster image validate -version バージョン」を実行して検証します。
netapp9101dr::> cluster image validate -version 9.10.1P12
It can take several minutes to complete validation...
WARNING: There are additional manual upgrade validation checks that must be performed after these automated validation checks have completed successfully.
Refer to the Upgrade Advisor Plan or the "What should I verify before I upgrade with or without Upgrade Advisor" section in the "Upgrade ONTAP" documentation for the remaining manual validation checks that need to be performed before update.
Upgrade ONTAP documentation available at: https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap/upgrade/index.html
The list of checks are available at: https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap/upgrade/task_what_to_check_before_upgrade.html
Failing to do so can result in an update failure or an I/O disruption.
Please use Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT http://mysupport.netapp.com/matrix) to verify host system supportability configuration information.
Validation checks started successfully. Run the "cluster image show-update-progress" command to check validation status.
これは検証の開始された、という状態で、しばらく経ってから「cluster image show-update-progress」を実行し、検証が終わったことを確認します。
netapp9101dr::> cluster image show-update-progress
Estimated Elapsed
Update Phase Status Duration Duration
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks completed 00:10:00 00:00:30
Pre-update Check Status Error-Action
-------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------
Manual checks Warning Warning: Manual validation checks
need to be performed. Refer to the
Upgrade Advisor Plan or the "What
should I verify before I upgrade with
or without Upgrade Advisor" section
in the "Upgrade ONTAP" documentation
for the remaining validation checks
that need to be performed before
update. Failing to do so can result
in an update failure or an I/O
Action: Refer to the Upgrade Advisor
Plan or the "What should I verify
before I upgrade with or without
Upgrade Advisor" section in the
"Upgrade ONTAP" documentation for the
remaining validation checks that need
to be performed before update.
Estimated Elapsed
Update Phase Status Duration Duration
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks completed 00:10:00 00:00:30
Pre-update Check Status Error-Action
-------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------
NFS mounts Warning Warning: This cluster is serving NFS
clients. If NFS soft mounts are used,
there is a possibility of frequent
NFS timeouts and race conditions that
can lead to data corruption during
the upgrade.
Action: Use NFS hard mounts, if
possible. To list Vservers running
NFS, run the following command:
vserver nfs show
2 entries were displayed.
その6 警告無視してアップデート
「Manual checks」と「NFS mounts」については無視しても実用上たいした問題ではないので、そのままアップデートを強行するため「cluster image update -version バージョン」を実行します。
netapp9101dr::> cluster image update -version 9.10.1P12
Starting validation for this update...
netapp9101dr::> cluster image update -version 9.10.1P12
Starting validation for this update...
It can take several minutes to complete validation...
WARNING: There are additional manual upgrade validation checks that must be performed after these automated validation checks have completed successfully.
Refer to the Upgrade Advisor Plan or the "What should I verify before I upgrade with or without Upgrade Advisor" section in the "Upgrade ONTAP" documentation for the remaining manual validation checks that need to be performed before update.
Upgrade ONTAP documentation available at: https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap/upgrade/index.html
The list of checks are available at: https://docs.netapp.com/us-en/ontap/upgrade/task_what_to_check_before_upgrade.html
Failing to do so can result in an update failure or an I/O disruption.
Please use Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT http://mysupport.netapp.com/matrix) to verify host system supportability configuration information.
Pre-update Check Status Error-Action
--------------------- ---------- --------------------------------------------
Manual checks Warning Warning: Manual validation checks need to
be performed. Refer to the Upgrade Advisor
Plan or the "What should I verify before I
upgrade with or without Upgrade Advisor"
section in the "Upgrade ONTAP"
documentation for the remaining validation
checks that need to be performed before
update. Failing to do so can result in an
update failure or an I/O disruption.
Action: Refer to the Upgrade Advisor Plan
or the "What should I verify before I
upgrade with or without Upgrade Advisor"
section in the "Upgrade ONTAP"
documentation for the remaining validation
checks that need to be performed before
NFS mounts Warning Warning: This cluster is serving NFS
clients. If NFS soft mounts are used, there
is a possibility of frequent NFS timeouts
and race conditions that can lead to data
corruption during the upgrade.
Action: Use NFS hard mounts, if possible.
To list Vservers running NFS, run the
following command: vserver nfs show
Overall Status Warning
3 entries were displayed.
Warning: Validation has reported warnings.
Warning: This is a single node cluster and the update will be disruptive.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}:
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
Starting update...
Info: Run the "cluster image show-update-progress" command to check update status.
アップデートの進捗状況は「cluster image show-update-progress」を実行して確認します。
netapp9101dr::> cluster image show-update-progress
Estimated Elapsed
Update Phase Status Duration Duration
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks completed 00:10:00 00:00:30
ONTAP updates in-progress 00:45:00 00:00:04
Node name Status Status Description
-------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------
netapp9101dr-01 in-progress Installing ONTAP software image.
3 entries were displayed.
その7 終了確認
「cluster image show-update-progress」「version *」「cluster image show」を実行し、アップデートが実行できたかを確認
netapp9101dr::> cluster image show-update-progress
Estimated Elapsed
Update Phase Status Duration Duration
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks completed 00:10:00 00:00:30
ONTAP updates completed 00:45:00 00:12:10
Post-update checks completed 00:10:00 00:00:04
3 entries were displayed.
Updated nodes: netapp9101dr-01.
netapp9101dr::> version *
NetApp Release 9.10.1P12: Thu Apr 13 00:30:59 UTC 2023
netapp9101dr::> cluster image show
Node Current Version Installation Date
-------------------- ----------------------- -------------------
netapp9101dr-01 9.10.1P12 6/5/2023 19:07:38
アップデート履歴を確認する場合は「cluster image show-update-history」を実行
netapp9101dr::> cluster image show-update-history
Package Start Completion Previous Updated
Status Version Time Time Component ID Version Version
---------- --------- ---------- ---------- ------------ --------- ---------
successful 9.10.1P12 6/5/2023 6/5/2023 netapp9101dr 9.10.1 9.10.1P12
19:01:05 19:13:15 -01
netapp9101dr::> cluster image show-update-history -ins
Component ID: netapp9101dr-01
Start Time: 6/5/2023 19:01:05
Package Version: 9.10.1P12
Status: successful
Completion Time: 6/5/2023 19:13:15
Previous Version: 9.10.1
Updated Version: 9.10.1P12
netapp9101dr::> cluster image package show
Package Version Package Build Time
---------------- ------------------
9.10.1P12 4/13/2023 09:30:59
netapp9101dr::> cluster image package
delete get show-repository
netapp9101dr::> cluster image package delete -version 9.10.1P12
Package Delete Operation Completed Successfully
netapp9101dr::> cluster image package show
There are no packages in the repository.
“ONTAP 9.7シミュレータをアップデートする手法” への2件の返信